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About superwondergirl

  • Birthday 02/14/1964

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Assistant Editor (6/23)



  1. Okay everybody A lot of people ask me why I wear an old style costume, so I was wondering how to make the shorts she wore in the television series, I have watched several episodes and the bottom piece looks padded, so does anyone have an idea please If I wear the shorts, corset, and cape as is the original costume, can people,can you handle the scars that are over my shoulders and across my back, the reason why I wear such an old fashioned costume Please advise
  2. Will there be a cloakroom at the event please I will have a suit case with me and don't want to bash ankles and legs all day Sports events. I will be dressed as wonder woman are there any big events in sports that day please
  3. The staff, the sellers, other costume d people, the donut guy ,friends, New friends
  4. I bought from the official site as I always do
  5. Just bought and printed tickets The design is different, is this correct, please advise
  6. Hello everyone I will be going to the event on Saturday, if you see me please come up and say hi I will be up early that morning,fully dressed and made up, wig corset etc etc, I will be leaving the house around 630 one hour drive to Swindon, wait for and take train to cardiff should get in by 930am, stop by the subway and hmv shops then to comic con I will be dressed as wonder woman for the day . I am a 6ft guy, I will be a 48 dd chest and 42 waist, and this is after losing 18 stone in weight, 6ft3 wearing the red heeled boots, you can't miss me SO is any one else traveling in costume or spending the day in costume, Would love to know what costume and from where Who knows we might be on the same train or something Dressed for the day is a charity dare from work, that will raise money, the comic con is for me to enjoy
  7. Hello Will there be a cloakroom for bags and suitcases, And will there be places to change out of costume please
  8. I am the guy who dresses as wonder woman for charity. I will be back. New costume, serious weight loss , wanting to meet all my friends, hope to see you there, if you see me come over and say hello. Love to make new friends
  9. I would love to show my son all the different costumes, so let's see what you wore, or may have met, the odd couples I saw wonder woman with snow white, pictures of other people in costumes Thank you
  10. Wife said that if it's too hot for wonder woman costume that I should wear a wonder woman bikini, pray for a cold wave. I can't put you all through that So if we all start chanting cold cold cold
  11. Hello The latest weather report states that it will be hot very hot on the week end. Are the fans or some kind of air vent system at the event. Cosplayers please be careful with costumes, I would hate to see people passing out everywhere
  12. Hello Will there be a cloak room for bag storage. And will there be changing rooms for cosplayers I don,t want to tie up a toilet for changing Please advise Xoxoxoxo
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