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About jedinik

  • Birthday 04/21/1942

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  1. It's time for Tom Baker to join London comic con.
  2. Please head line Tom Baker !!! Please !!!!
  3. Tom Baker would be amazing guest !!!
  4. we need Sylvester McCoy too you can't have one without the over.
  5. Misfits last session is on Channel 4 now how about getting all the stars from the show in one last stand. ​ ​ Antonia Thomas, Iwan Rheon, Lauren Socha, Nathan Stewart-Jarrett, and Robert Sheehan are introduced as Alisha Daniels, Simon Bellamy, Kelly Bailey, Curtis Donovan, and Nathan Young respectively. Sheehan left after the second series, replaced in the third byJoseph Gilgun as Rudy Wade. After the third series was announced Rheon, Thomas and Socha had left their roles and would be replaced by new cast members Karla Crome, Nathan McMullen and Matt Stokoe, as Jess, Finn and Alex respectively. Midway through the fourth series, Stewart-Jarrett left while Natasha O'Keeffe joined the cast as Abbey Smith.
  6. Roger Lloyd-Pack from Doctor who and Only Fools and Horses
  7. simon pegg and nick frost Would be a crowd puller.
  8. Simon Pegg and Nick Frost would be the best guest ever !!
  9. A big thank you for letting me join your team at Cardiff comic com Had a great time see you all in London Nik Gaskell
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