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Everything posted by natedammit

  1. There's hardly any room on that 'gentleman' for anybody to sign. The state of him.
  2. Awesome. I was there last night, as was not so active forum member Rory McGarrett. A shame that Robbie Williams showed up though.
  3. He is an evil mastermind after all.
  4. Hey look, it's that really evil, nasty guy... ...wait for it... ...and he's standing next to Darth Vader. Tee hee.
  5. Should there have been another 'not' in there somewhere? But it's fine, in fact the harder the better. Btw, I look like this:
  6. Everyone feel free to introduce yourselves to me as well (except wrong'un). Of course, I only respond to hugs and cuddles, so if you think you see me just run up and give me a big ol' squeeze.
  7. I saw you as well. Should I have said hi?
  8. I think QS may be psychic. I was thinking of titles for people earlier and thought of that for you.
  9. For example: they both feature dinosaurs.
  10. Well do you regret asking what a mod fix is? You should, for a start you became a 'she'.
  11. Well I'm not going to argue with that but at least you did the work. I spent most of my 3 years at University in bed.
  12. @natedammit Fair Not really. I'm just jealous because you have a PhD and it threatens my superiority complex.
  13. It's kind of like getting your dog fixed. Blemmo, did it hurt?
  14. FTFM That's awesome :) mine was also in nonsense FTFY
  15. It's not the one you're thinking of if you're thinking of what I think you're thinking of. It's something HHH says to Ryan Reynolds when he suggests an unfair comparison between him and his dog.
  16. "I am NOT a poopy monster!" from The Rugrats Movie, and a line from Blade: Trinity that I most assuredly can not post here.
  17. It's one of my three favourite quotes from films (and I have no idea why).
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