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another new back cover - possible spoilers


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Lookin at this exclent cover, i have a few coments


the house is run down, so oviously hasnt been used in a while?, the snake on the door, is obvious that this house belongs to someone who was or is in slytheren, it cld be Voldy OR Salazars house, ( i mean even the darkest wizzards need somewhere to sleep and keep possetions they cant carry around with them )

the shape in the window looks like a person looking out, although lookin at the larger picture, it also looks like that particuar window is broken and its shape resembles someone.

the lage man with the hat, now i dont think it is frank bryce because the riddle house was described as a bigger place than this, it may well be that looks like a lion bloke.


the smoke from the house window. if u look closely it looks kinda like a swan, and i cant member but didnt one of the DA produce a swan patronous? and te colour is kinda silvery!


any thoughsts on my points?

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Lookin at this exclent cover, i have a few coments


the house is run down, so oviously hasnt been used in a while?, the snake on the door, is obvious that this house belongs to someone who was or is in slytheren, it cld be Voldy OR Salazars house, ( i mean even the darkest wizzards need somewhere to sleep and keep possetions they cant carry around with them )

the shape in the window looks like a person looking out, although lookin at the larger picture, it also looks like that particuar window is broken and its shape resembles someone.

the lage man with the hat, now i dont think it is frank bryce because the riddle house was described as a bigger place than this, it may well be that looks like a lion bloke.


the smoke from the house window. if u look closely it looks kinda like a swan, and i cant member but didnt one of the DA produce a swan patronous? and te colour is kinda silvery!


any thoughsts on my points?

Cho Chang made a swan patronous I think...

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Lookin at this exclent cover, i have a few coments


the house is run down, so oviously hasnt been used in a while?, the snake on the door, is obvious that this house belongs to someone who was or is in slytheren, it cld be Voldy OR Salazars house, ( i mean even the darkest wizzards need somewhere to sleep and keep possetions they cant carry around with them )

the shape in the window looks like a person looking out, although lookin at the larger picture, it also looks like that particuar window is broken  and its shape resembles someone.

the lage man with the hat, now i dont think it is frank bryce because the riddle house was described as a bigger place than this, it may well be that looks like a lion bloke.


the smoke from the house window. if u look closely it looks kinda like a swan, and i cant member but didnt one of the DA produce a swan patronous? and te colour is kinda silvery!


any thoughsts on my points?

Cho Chang made a swan patronous I think...

yes it was cho who made a swan patronus, and you are right it does like that, though it could be just the way it looks on a scanned in/photo version of the cover, but even so it does look a lot like it.


Yes the building does look down, perhaps a secret meeting place of death eaters or someone along those lines?

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It is either


They are following the Half Blood Prince


Someone else is also in the house.





Its Peter Pettigrew they are following to Voldy's hideout, he is the heir of Slythy so that would explain the snake.


The House is deffo the Forbidden Forest surely! That would explain any events that happen at Hogwarts!


Or we could be totally wrong, not to wait no so we shall find out soon



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Remember there is supposed to be more information in this book about Voldemort's past, perhaps that is something to do with it like his birth or something.


When enlarging the picture, there is definately a snake on the door which would indicate something to do with Slytherin/DE, there looks like there is a shadow at one of the windows also.


As for swan, I think that is just a coincidence.

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Remember there is supposed to be more information in this book about Voldemort's past, perhaps that is something to do with it like his birth or something.


When enlarging the picture, there is definately a snake on the door which would indicate something to do with Slytherin/DE, there looks like there is a shadow at one of the windows also.


As for swan, I think that is just a coincidence.

yeah it seems unlikely that Cho would be amongst all those dark happenings, when we actualyl get the book it will probably look nothing like a swan.


If it is the forbidden forest it must be a really really deep part of it, as surely Hagrid knows most of it off by heart

Edited by Cazzie15
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omg!! there is just so much to take in and sooo much to think about.


i think that it has something to do with the half blood prince.


wouldnt it be interesting if the half blood prince is in or was in slytherin?? i know they are all supposed to be pure blood but im sure it says somewhere that there are very few real pure bloods left.


but... arrghhh!! i just want to read the book now!!



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