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Sweet dreams are made of this

Swedish boy

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lol i wouldnt think twice about it i dont think mel gibson will be there for 2 resons one his to big of a star and 2 he hasnt really don anything cultish (si fi/fantesy) apart from braveheart, and if he was there id love to meet the guy and have a heart to heart conversation about his dad's opinions on the holocust and about him being antisemtic GRrrrrrr

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lol i wouldnt think twice about it i dont think mel gibson will be there for 2 resons one his to big of a star and 2 he hasnt really don anything cultish (si fi/fantesy) apart from braveheart, and if he was there id love to meet the guy and have a heart to heart conversation about his dad's opinions on the holocust and about him being antisemtic GRrrrrrr

Is he antisemtic? :P

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i think his passion of the christ was VIEWED by jews as bein anti-semitic.


i also have heard that some jews consider a single word against any one of them to be anti-semitic behaviour. it depends each person's interpretation, and while i don't know enough to be certain, i do know that the Passion isn't anti-semitic in itself, since it is simply a screen representation of the story in the bible.


if the view that gibson is anti-semitic because of the Passion, then it's a false view. if there's something he's said outright, maybe it has been misinterpreted, or maybe it has been accurately interpreted, i don't know.

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  • 2 weeks later...
i dont think mel gibson will be there for 2 resons one his to big of a star and 2 he hasnt really don anything cultish (si fi/fantesy) apart from braveheart

I agree with the first part but you forget that he is MAD MAX...which is a post-apocalyptic sf trilogy.

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i dont think mel gibson will be there for 2 resons one his to big of a star and 2 he hasnt really don anything cultish (si fi/fantesy) apart from braveheart

I agree with the first part but you forget that he is MAD MAX...which is a post-apocalyptic sf trilogy.



... at last we have Bruce Spence :headscratch:

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