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Joining the Super Six


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Okay had a thought that well considering how random the fan club post section is that some of you may have been put off by that or felt that membership to the club was closed, well it isn't at all! Okay the Fan Club had metamorphed since it was first started, originally being the Neville/Matthew fan club only, it is now the Neville, Snape, Sirius, Lupin, Fred, George and Oliver (plus all the actors but yeh that was too much for me to type) Fan club and is called the Super Six Fan Club, mainly because it did have 6 foci until Oliver was brought in but also because it was after cm6 and because of cm6 that it was formed.


Basic run down of the people involved and their roles (don't take the length as a reflection of the amount that everyone does for the club! Me and Moony are important...it just doesn't seem that way on job description front...)


President: Tippin (i.e. me) My job is basically to oversee everything that goes on in the club, make sure everyone is happy, and have all the responsibility of the club on my shoulders.


Vice President: Moony Moony has created and maintains our website, she is my second in everything, so if there is something I can't do because I'm dead or in hospital, basically go to Moony! Moony also designed our logo!


Treasurer: position open Basically if any money was need for running the site, making badges, organising events etc, the treasurer would be in charge of collecting the money from everyone, making anote and keeping the book making sure the money is all accounted for, reporting to Moony or myself.


Secretary: Paretha Any meetings we have Paretha will keep a record of and any dates etc that anyone needs, she is the person to see. Also if Moony or I are not about, your best bet is to get into contact with Paretha for help or to help you contact Moony or I as soon as possible. If any trips are arranged etc, all the details can be received from Paretha after an e-mail/post has been sent out. Paretha also designed our badge!


Directors: Kelle 77, Smintti, Rangergirl, one open position Directors are basically the clubs eyes and ears on all things Potter, like the release dates for films/dvds, any appearances of any of the fan club foci, future films and anything remotely related to the fan club foci, then report it to the club!


At the moment these are the only positions within the club, however there are regular unlimited memberships avaliable for whoever just wants to passively join and not have any responsibility!


Any announcements that are made from the club will come for me or Moony or someone who has already informed us of the announcement they are going to make and we've checked out the info/content to make sure it's safe/correct! We don't want people to be miss informed!


Okay that's about all i can think of right now, if there are any questions, please feel free to ask!

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Paretha just reminded me, to be official part of The Unofficial Super Six Fan Club, everyone must take our club oath...


I solemly swear that I am up to no good, to always support the underdog, to campaign for the equal rights of werewolves, to trust in old friends, forgive enemies of old and never show mercy to Percy! I promise to led the club and never do anything that would place any members in too much of a tight or awkward situation,


and end by saying... say I, and your position and name, eg. for my oath it was...


I solemly swear that I am up to no good, to always support the underdog, to campaign for the equal rights of werewolves, to trust in old friends, forgive enemies of old and never show mercy to Percy! I promise to led the club and never do anything that would place any members in too much of a tight or awkward situation, say I President Tippin

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For those of you that do apply, you'll need a badge and to get that badge you need to fill in the form below and send it to Paretha at dcpgirl2@msn.com.


Forum Name:


Real Name:


How many badges you need:


Which country you live in:


Your address:

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Super Six Fan Club Charter


Club Rules and Regulations


· Any ideas or motions put before the group must be voted on.

· Any vote can be won by a ‘four – two’ or a majority vote.

· If there is an even split, the President, or in their absence, the Vice President can vote again to veto the idea or push it through.

· The President and Vice President have the power to veto any idea or activity that could be dangerous or lead to any loss for any other member.

· After 2 years, a vote can be taken to change the current President or Vice President if there has been dissatisfaction with the way they have conducted the club.

· If someone vacates a position in the club for any reason, applications for the position are made to whoever vacated, for the role or in the absence of that body, to the President and Vice President.

· Any infringement of copyright must be avoided and if any occurs, it is up to the club to decide in that specific case, what the right form of action is.

· Any abuse of the club or other members within the club will result in the member in questions immediate dismissal.

· No idea or action can become active unless there has been a vote that allows it to be.

· An idea or motion that has been refused can be reintroduced to the club, three weeks after it has been vetoed.

· If for any reason a member cannot fulfil their duties as a club member they must inform the President of Vice President immediately.

· If a member’s actions have broken the oath or charter, the other members can call for the resignation of that member from the club.

· On dismissal from the club, a member has the right to explain their actions; if the other members still remain unmoved the member is dismissed.

· Any member can call meetings at any time as long as the President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer is present.

· An item of red clothing must be worn by all members on February 25th

· Club badges must be worm at all conventions and Harry Potter related events.

· Badgers, ravens and lions are not to be mistreated and neither is the odd snake.

· ‘Urls Mieir syndrome’ is never acceptable when addressing the actors who play the characters.

· All members must act responsibly and professionally at all times – this means no approaching actors randomly and asking them to come to a club meeting, event or convention, contact can only be made through agents.

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Okay so rel, please repeat after me...


I solemly swear that I am up to no good, to always support the underdog, to campaign for the equal rights of werewolves, to trust in old friends, forgive enemies of old and never show mercy to Percy! I promise to led the club and never do anything that would place any members in too much of a tight or awkward situation,


say I, treasurer rel

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everyone remember to send the forms for badges! heres another copy of the form:

Badge ordering form


Badges for the unofficial Collectormania Fanclub of the Super Six-please fill in this form if you wish to have badge for the club sent to you.

Please send this form to dcpgirl2@msn.com. Or if you do not want to send it by email, feel free to MSN me (my MSN is the same as my e-mail address)


Forum name:


Real name:


How many badges you need:


What country you live in:


Your Address:


If there are any problems please contact Moony, Tippin, or myself.



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