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Everything posted by Jangojohnny

  1. Yes, she was due last week but let them down so she's not back back for a while...
  2. One with Lambert would be a nice idea yes?
  3. Such a new and original great Idea. How about Mr Brown as a guest?
  4. Get these guys in...Can't wait until this film comes out! Dirty Den meets Terry Christian!
  5. I've missed this thread! Good to see it again!
  6. Found the trailer in Youtube. It's under Deadtime Teaser and the website is www.deadtimethemovie.com Nice easy guests if you can find them prior to the films release
  7. I just read that Kid British and Leslie Grantham are in it too.....Get them all in!!
  8. Big Joe Egon and Terry Christian from the new horror movie "Deadtime" would be nice.....oh and Joe was in the new Sherlock Holmes movie
  9. As the title says, not selling or advertising or anything unjust...just giving anyone a chance to see a TV pilot that went unsold last year. The 24 minute version is the best. http://spookedfilms.com/SpookedDownloads.html Enjoy. Trailer on Youtube.
  10. I'm starting to guess he's not gonna come....
  11. Just a nice idea that no one else would like to see at a signing How do you correct spellings in a title?? I'm too lazy to start this thread again.!!!
  12. and yet he's never at signing events....boo
  13. Clever...I hadn't noticed that......but then, you are the superior being!
  14. ...................................................
  15. William Sadler?? He's already done an event ver here.........we need new people like Clancy or Roxanne Hart??
  16. We need to make more Clancy threads....
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