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Everything posted by tpepper4

  1. Hahaha were going so no doubt it will and you spoke to me before anyway so that won't be a problem :) and chelsea doesn't bite
  2. bet you wish you could be Sam's masterpiece
  3. Lmfaooo!!! Thanks for that good laugh much?! I liked the bit about me shouting !
  4. I think you KNOW what um getting at Chelsea... I nearly said "actually il just be Bella forthe same reason" but I am....... Hahahahaha Perv!!
  5. Katie came across a random bra in her hotel room and it turned out that Chelsea had left it there So i came down wearing it on top of my top and pinged it at her at the Sunday night party
  6. Hehehe oh I do either that or Bella's right hand
  7. I'm gonna be Edwards left hand then
  8. psh you missed out the boobs! And the bra in hand ready to launch!
  9. mmm he already confirmed that...it was the "where did you get the info for bigger and better guests from" part....
  10. psh! wouldn't say no to Ashley
  11. Jason, So yeah... what i said in the other thread is what i heard...
  12. which proms did you go to? and do you have FB or twitter?
  13. NO! go find you're OWN clan! i joke :) course you can!! psh! you dont need to ask! it's funn and anyone can do it! And yey for camera in face! i'm well up for this!
  14. Yeah like i would love jackson...and i would love ashley... or rachelle tbh seeing as i didn't go to ET2... but... meh anyone really.... i have a feeling for some reason that Bryce Dallas Howard might come.... Actually I'd prefer her more than Leah since she appears a little more longer ^^ mmmmm but then it makes me think of Rachelle...
  15. Yeah like i would love jackson...and i would love ashley... or rachelle tbh seeing as i didn't go to ET2... but... meh anyone really.... i have a feeling for some reason that Bryce Dallas Howard might come....
  16. i don't care... as long as it's someone that relatively either main or reccuring in like more then one film :)
  17. Would you like to borrow my chair lmfao? :') If you cosplay Emily....I'd actually love you. you mean.... you don't already? hehe and thank you guys :) that will be my aim then for ET4... i will do emily throughout one night i think... cause i don't wanna have my picture taken like that tbh... haha!
  18. well I hope it's one pretty BIG guest lol. or 2 plain'ol 'big' guests. coughkellan/jacksoncough. So we're not allowed to state our opinions? I get it if your opinion is rude/blah then yeah delete it, but the fact that i actually filtered my opinion so it would be polite well.. pfft! I think spellchecker's only on firefox?? ii'm on chrome and yeah i think if the uproar hadnt been so big last night it wouldn't be a touchy subject....
  19. you know if you write something? and the little red line comes under it? and you right click to check it??
  20. Key word....: Disappointed.... p.s. you're spell checker sucks! you write: "dissapointed" and comes up with "no spelling suggestions" i mean.. c'mon! not that much of a difficult word!
  21. HAHA you're awesome post kinda toook the **** though... might offend people (like those who dont understand it.... i.e. Me.... not that it offended me... i'ma stop babbling now...)
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