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Everything posted by Darth_Angelus

  1. Mark Meer, the voice of Commander Shepard in the Mass Effect games. Would make a lot of sense with the new Mass Effect game out in March :)
  2. Here are mine! http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151039032574925.447348.513164924
  3. I wondered if you were going and yes, I'm planning to dress up friday.
  4. Excellent! nerdygirl90 is organising a Mass Effect group for saturday too, you should join us :)
  5. They're made from craft foam :) How can anyone forget your Babydoll?
  6. Looking good, Jerri-Kay! Some weapons I've been working on for the Shepard costume. The pistol was complete before but I've added some decals, it will be the first time I take out the new assault rifle though! :)
  7. I had my cardassian character wear that uniform in game. Can't speak for other Star Trek fans but I'd say go for it :)
  8. My costume is complete but I guess I could always take some in progress photos of the new weapons I'm working on for it... Last year, there were a few cosplayers on the friday night and I'm planning on it this time.
  9. Sadly I don't have a Dragonage costume but I'll be wearing Shepard all three days and I'd be up for a big group if that happens.
  10. I'm definitely going as Shepard and I'm looking forward to this group, even if it's just a small one.
  11. Shame about Tali but the rest sounds good! Can't wait too! Currently in the process of making a new assault rifle in time for the con.
  12. I'm Vamp_Rouge's previously mentioned friend with the Shepard costume. Count me in for Saturday :)
  13. As promised, the fourth episode. It was about time there was another skirmish in space It's my favourite one so far, looking forward to seeing what people have to say about it.
  14. Hi everyone, I haven't posted here before and I wasn't entirely sure which board to post in, so please forgive the spam. However, I thought the people here might enjoy this science fiction web series I've been working on. Basically when I knew that Battlestar Galactica was going to end I got to work on creating my own series. Good thing too as there's nothing that comes close to replacing it! It takes place in the 24th century and the story begins after a mining accident on Titan, one of the moons of Saturn, with the colonists protesting against the Government's unwillingness to give them better working conditions. And that's just the first episode, the rest of the season deals with the aftermath of these events, leading to things that would be big spoilers, so I won't be saying here Two episodes have been released so far (with new ones every tuesday), commentary tracks for both, a trailer and a bonus video as well, all of which can be found on the series website. Oh, did I mention that Felicia Day is guest starring in the first episode and she'll be back for three more later in the season? Trailer Episode 1 Episode 2 episode 3 Episode 4 will be released tomorrow, enjoy!
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