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Everything posted by jeffbobs

  1. anyone from Firefly or Stargate atlantis, or stargate sg-1 any of them would be great .
  2. i want to go as ronon from stargate atlantis the most but cant find his costume any where:( that or Mal from firefly!!!
  3. is there anyone that knows about any other conventions. i mean like small ones with a few people in or even big, it dont matter where they are i can travel there im not that lazy ty for help
  4. anyone know where i could get a costume, like Mal wears in Firefly, of even what ronon wears in stargate atlantis
  5. jeffbobs


    hi i just went to the convention today and just want to say for my first convention it was amazing, didnt get any autographs cos i didnt really know what to say to the people but ah well. i was thinking and as i saw a few people in costume which i would like to say, they where all really cool. i was wondering what thing i could dress up for this next convention in april. so ive decided to be either Ronon Dex, or Mal form Firefly/serenity. does anyone know where i could possibly get the costumes for these guys?i would rather be Mal and be a brown coat cos they just rock and i know that ronons would be harder to find probs, so if anyone wouldnt mind helping me, i would be very greatful!!!!
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