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Everything posted by elliepandolfi

  1. NOOOOO, i will deffinately not leave u alone!!! lol i'll see u in the corner too!!! YAY corner buddies! may i join you in that corner? (: im incredibly shy aswell. :) of course you may!!! anyone is welcome!!! yay! 3 people in our corner! we can pretend we're popular now! hahahaha :D dw roomie i'll hold your hand!
  2. that's a good thing though! i have nothing to wear atm, so i guess i'm turning up naked.....
  3. nooooo stick with us! we're amazing :) Mediums is my fave now. love Alice :) what did you vote for?
  4. anyone reading this... VOTE FLOATING BLOBS! PLEASE! i wasted my vote
  5. too late! now i have the poster idea in my head it cannot be taken away!
  6. but when i clicked on your name, that's you in the picture right? we can put up posters "have you seen this guy?" we'll find you, don't you worry! and for some reason i pictured you as some 45ish year old...
  7. you're leaving me alone in the corner then?!
  8. isn't it just! if he's there, we can form a mob and chase him with burning torches! that'll teach him! *nods*
  9. i'm the shyest person i know... i'm so scared of getting left on my own with no one to talk to... i'm a nice person, honest! see you in our corner then...
  10. so what, you'd just cancel the surprise? cos we've already bought our tickets! my mental wellbeing is at stake, if anything happens to me i'm holding you responsible David!
  11. Sammeee i've never even thought about going to a convention until i saw this one advertised i was just like i HAVE to go =] then i convinced my parents to pay for it for my 18th eeep sooo excitedd! xxxx. same! and dammit why didn't i think of that! my birthday wasn't even that long ago! maybe i can persuade my mum to pay for it anyway... you're only 18 once... there's a plan! this seems to be the first con for loads of people going (that i've spoken to anyway)... we'll be fine!
  12. oh well. i guess that's a plus point.... anyway, you know something! tell us! the suspense is killing me! and also a welcome distraction from the essay i haven't started yet
  13. shhh jess your crushing my hopes!! oh my god don't say that! haha. if you were next to me right now i'd hit you! lucky for you i'm a weakling and you probably wouldn't notice
  14. dammit i didn't even think about how i'm gonna fund my holiday in summer!!!
  15. i'm sharing a room with strangers too haha. but it's cheaper that way so i'll have more money to spend in the auction or whatever.
  16. except for twiglets. they're so yummy!
  17. my thoughts exactly! i've already gone in to my uni savings for this... and if i want to go to et2 thats how i'll probably fund that too...
  18. AHAHAHAHA it's the best shop ever! where us students shop cos we have no money you need to visit one while you're in england!
  19. but immortal children is better!!!! *sulks*
  20. my mums making me go on the monday. i'm leaving monday morning at like 6am to get to college in london for 8.30....... so not gonna happen!!! you'd have thought because i'm 18 that i'd be able to make my own decisions! but no! they still try to control me! mind you id happily take the whole week off after...
  21. well i'm sposed to be at college... i'm going to be "ill". come on you can do the same!!!!
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