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Everything posted by dragonmate1

  1. MIchael signed mine OK in Vegas and I have heard that he no longer refuses to sign that one.. I too need Patrick and Jonathan on mine to complete it!!
  2. If you can get Carrie (Nice one!) then surely you can get Jeri?????
  3. Fantastic.. I don't recall anyone requesting her on the forum.. Another Trek guest I've not seen before.. Great!!
  4. I wish you hadn't mentioned this.. Our censorship laws really p*** me off.. It is so unfair!!!
  5. I don't go solely to see Trek guests, Dragon. . .some big name general sci-fi/action/Bond guests would be more than welcome. There aren't many people from Trek that I've not met, so guests from other areas of film and TV would be more than welcome. Respect Admiral Bear Fair enough Bear.. I go principally for Trek, but because of all the other guests, I have expanded my collection to others as well.. Bearing in mind (excuse the pun!!) that we are nowhere near the complete guest line-up, even non-trek guests appear to be shaping up nicely.. Ron Perlman (ignoring his Trek role) is a major player in a new movie and likely to be a series of movies.. Amanda Tapping - main cast Stargate Billy Dee Williams (assuming he shows up) middle range for Star Wars Richard Hatch - Main cast BG Margot Kidder - Co-star in all Superman films Sam Jones - Main star of Flash Gordon Kane Hodder - much requested Jason.. Gary Graham - main star of the Alien Nation Tv series Already we are heading toward a pretty good line-up with lots of lead actors already ... and as I said.. they've not done yet!!
  6. Bear.. I'm surprised.. I think SM do very well in the Trek stakes.. Of course it could be better, but I'm not complaining.. With the two events coming up, I will get to see a fair number of Trek people that I've not seen before and that is going some as I have met a great deal. Hopefully I will also get an opportunity of a pic with Michael Dorn & Brent Spiner (this time!!) Barbara & Gwyneth Gary Graham Ron Perlman DWight Schultz Brent Spiner again is fantastic MIchael Dorn and a few regulars Marina (always a joy for me) and Walter. Considering that we have a lot of guests still to be announced, Trek is doing well.. Of course, Jeri Ryan would completely make my year!!! PS don't forget Jennifer Lien!!
  7. Hey Bear.. good to see you haven't completely gone..
  8. Videos are on their way out and degrade over time.. It has to be the DVD but wait for a bit if you can.... I picked up the Next Gen sets around Xmas at less than half price.. With Voyager and later on TOS coming out, no doubt DS9 sets will be on offer..
  9. I got my pic with Kate, but not in Blackpool.. This was Vegas last year..
  10. You get my vote... Top of the list must be Jeri Ryan.. Kate would be nice and also Robbie McNeil Scarlet Pomers and Martha Hacket would also be great.. I would like to see John De Lancie as well.. The others have recently appeared over here..
  11. True.. Brent is lined up for Enterprise playing a distant relative of Dr Soong who ultimately created Data.. An interesting sidenote to this is that it is reported that Robert Picardo sent in a storyline to the Enterprise chaps about a distant relative of Dr Zimmerman who created the holodoctor be involved in Enterprise (of course played by Robert Picardo) This was rejected by the Enterprise boffins and then the next thing you here is an identical storyline but with Brent Spiner and not Robert Picardo.. I bet Robert is pretty niffed at this!!! By the way.. there are rumours that even Shatner could make an appearance on Enterprise this season..
  12. 40 years of Trek should be a celebration of all Trek right through from the original series to Enterprise and the Movies.. 30 or more guests from that lot shouldn't be difficult..
  13. How about Bill Mumy?? He would also cater for the Lost in Space fans and he appeared in Star Trek..
  14. I think it more likely that someone will write a new story based on the same characters to extend the life of LOTR.. ANY film could be remade with improvements.. Imagine Jaws being re-made with CGI special effects.. Perhaps in 20 years or so, LOTR will be remade.. or perhaps someone like Michael Jackson could remake it like he did with the Wizard of Oz.. Now that would be something different!! And crap!!
  15. No need.. if its a problem, Showmasters will do it for you!!!!
  16. Having seen kate a few times at various events, you can forget her appearing at the same event as Jeri Ryan.. Given a choice, Jeri would win hands down.. Not because she is better than Kate (Kate is lovely), but because Jeri hasn't appeared over here...
  17. Hi, I'm sorry you feel that way, but those are the rules of this forum and I don't think anyone would feel it is fair to have one set of rules for Star Trek fans and another for everyone else. There are a multitude of reasons why we do not allow cross promotion of any other events on this board, and if you check you will find that the same rules apply for the forums of many other organisers and events (just try posting a link to our collectormania website on their forums and see what happens!). We have no problems with you passing on the information to our other forum members by MSN, e-mail, etc if they are happy to give you their contact details, but I'm afraid that we simply cannot allow you to post the information here. Andrea I understand your stance on this and just because the other events forums do the same, doesn't necessarily mean that you have to follow suit.. Personally, I find it a bit of a pain having to log onto different forums just to discuss their events and even repeat issues. I firmly believe that the one event organiser who breaks this tradition will ultimately benefit. If this forum became the definitive forum to discuss OUR hobby (attending events such as yours, meeting actors and collecting autographs) then it will attract more fans to your site and perhaps increase the publicity for Showmasters events.. Finally, a small point.. Is discussing past non Showmasters events, really advertising?? They are part of history.. Though I understand that discussing future events do promote them (depending on what is being said.. not all discussion is complementary)
  18. Bear.. I know and am thrilled about Jennifer.. but wouldn't it be great to get the person who replaced Jennifer!! Just gotta keep campaigning........
  19. Ron's been in so many things.. Please Showmasters.. make sure you have some 8x10 photos from Star Trek Nemesis as Viceroy... Thanks
  20. As we seem to be getting back on the road for guest announcements... Just thought I'd bring this back to the forefront as a reminder to Showmasters.. Just in case they may have forgotten about her.. So once again.. JERI RYAN for ANY SM event.. Please!!!!!
  21. Not true.. At LFCC there was a photo ban with Levar Burton and Brent Spiner.. Also not true.... At Gates McFadden's queue there was a sign banning personal photographs.. I know a lot of people ignored it later on, but foolishly, I didn't ignore the sign.. Also not true.. there was no steward employed to take pictures and as far as I can remember there was a ban on both Elijah and Dominic.. I am simply offering a suggestion to showmasters to cater for those attendees who would rather have a photo than the autograph.. It needn't take up too much time.. Just thought.. how about doing the photo-op early.. We usually have to wait up to an hour after opening for the guests to start signing.. How about getting them to the venue half an hour early for photo-op tickets??
  22. I think this topic has strayed from the original point.. This is about the option of having a photograph with those guests that are SO popular or have specific requirements that the organisers feel necessary to ban the taking of photographs.. It's not about those guests where it is never a problem.. Eg: Levar Burton and Brent Spiner, etc.. Rather than a complete blanket ban for these people, the suggestion is that the organisers cater for those attendees where a photograph is more important than an autograph.. This could be done by a limited time profesional photo session (Which can easily be done at Collectormania as there is room down the flankd of the shops.. There is one end that is relatively quiet and roomy) or As I suggested above.. Have a period of the day where photographs will be allowed in the normal queue.. Then ban photographs outside of that time to speed the queue up. or if time is a factor, have a steward take the photo (all of a few extra seconds) where the steward can prepare the camera whilst the attendee is signing the autograph.. This would ensure minimal additional time in the queue.. or don't worry about the extra time and simply allow photographs with all guests, regardless. I think that providing another option (albeit costly or limited in time) is preferable to not having a picture taken at all..
  23. There is an easy solution to this matter.. Ensure that the organisers do not ban photographs with the guests no matter how much it may slow the queue and how popular the guest may be.. I know the real issue here is the potential time it takes some people who are completely disorganised to get a photograph taken.. I can see 2 possible actions that could help the situation.. 1. With the most popular guests, employ a steward who's job would be to actually take the photograph (if required).. This way, the steward would make sure that the camera is ready whilst the autograph is signed and be able to take a quick snap for what should only be about 10 seconds.. 2. Split the day.. again for the most popular guests, allow photographs in the morning only on one day and afternoon only on a second day.. That way, if a photograph with a particular guest IS that important, the emphasis would be on the attendee to make the extra effort to arrive early in order to secure that ticket which would allow access during the permitted photograph time.. Also, for those guests who have trouble with being flashed at all day long, this may help them as the time would then be restricted..
  24. Do you know if there is a limit on how many autographs you can get from Patrick and whether or not you are allowed to bring your own items from home to be signed? Doesn't really say.. but I would imagine it would be one autograph each, considering the 1 hour limit on signing.. Usually this event allows a free autograph on the programme and I think you can buy additional autograph tickets.. Can't see that happening with Patrick..
  25. Certain guests do not allow personal photographs (either because of the popularity or organiser decision, etc or that the guest themselves don't enjoy being flashed at all day long and associated medical conditions.. If a photograph is that important to an attendee (and some are VERY important to me) I would rather have the option of paying for a professional one than not having one at all.. A sceduled photo session need not last longer than 30 minutes (calculated by only selling 30 minutes worth of photo-op tickets) and it shouldn't affect the guest who hates flash photography.. You also get the benefit of getting the photo on the day.. a possibility of it being themed by the organisers and have an opportunity to get it signed by the guest.. All of these are plusses as far as I am concerned and would welcome it if Showmasters organised this in some small way.. Perhaps they could do a trial with a couple of selected guests at C6 or LFACC2 and if successful, make it a regular.. I say a big fat resounding YES!!!!
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