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Everything posted by ilovejohnbarrowman

  1. January Whats yoru favorite flavour crisps?
  2. Pick the month (number) you were born in 1----I fell in love with 2----I ate a 3----I smacked 4----I sang to 5----I gave my number to 6----I killed 7----I shot 8----I gave a lap dance to 9----I choked on 10---I made out with 11---I had sex with 12---I stabbed Pick the day (number) you were born on: 1-------a muffin 2-------a kebab 3-------a homeless guy 4-------a sandwich 5-------a Mexican 6-------a stuffed animal 7-------a hooker 8-------a lamp 9-------my best friend 10-------a goat 11-------my dog 12-------a ninja 13-------the computer 14-------a football player 15-------my neighbour 16-------myself 17-------a soda 18-------a llama 19-------a baby 20------ a gangster 21-------a permanent marker 22-------my dad 23-------a chair 24-------my psychiatrist 25-------a policeman 26-------my brother 27-------my sister 28-------a baseball bat 29-------a DVD player 30-------a paperclip 31-------my cell phone Pick the color of shirt you are wearing White------Because I was horney Black-------Because I was drunk. Pink--------Because i was bored Red---------Because the voices told me to. Blue--------Because I'm sexy and I do what I want. Green------Because I hate myself. Purple------Because I'm naked. Gray--------Because I'm mentally disturbed. Yellow------Because someone offered me 1,000,000 Euro Shirtless---Because i was high Orange----Because I hate my family. Brown-----Because i was hungry. Other-----Because i'm gangsta I gave a lap dance to my neighbour becasue i was bored and horney.
  3. The game is simple ; Instructions : 1.The first person writes a question 2.The next person answers it then writes a question 3.The next person does exactly the same 4.This keeps going and going and going et etc...... I'll start... What is your middle name?
  4. Gee... Thanks... You win a cactus *INSERTS COIN*
  5. Nope. What was the last thing you said out loud?
  6. If you had one go in a time machine where/when would you go? and Who would you meet? I would probably go back to myself, and warn myself not to do a few things. Or go back and meet my parents when they were younger, and see what they were like then. I would also quite like to go back to cavemen & dinosaurs, just to see what they were like You?
  7. OMG! *woooshhh* You win an alien i just picked up from another galaxy, he's really cool and he's called Preston :) *INSERTS COIN*
  8. Erm. Brandon Routh? Cerial or toast?
  9. I've only ever fractured and dislocated my knuckles doing it lol. I've broken a finger too.. Twice. Just by punching walls i would HATE to be a wall in my house/school... And no i haven't as i can't drive Ever wished someone dead? (Like REALLY wished them dead, not just saying it, like MEANING it )
  10. I totally agree. And I think someone on here may have already said it... I think even Gallifrey (god knows how to spell it, i'm sure someone will pick me up lol!) will have different races and genders, so why can't the doctor just be a white male, end of? Isn't it suggested that he had a wife and family too? So there has to be a certain level of stability for his character! It just wouldn't have worked for me in a way... Its political correctness gone crazy really, and it can spoil a show. It was me who said about sexes and races, and i agree with the whole politicly correct thing. I'm not racist, sexist, homophobic (i'm gay ) Or anything prejudist, i'm a very open minded peron, but there is no point casting some one to be "politicly correct" is there? It annoys me.
  11. I LOVED it I have a huge phobia of vampires so i'm not looking forward to the episodes with them in but apart from that i love it, i absoloutley LOVE Philip Glenister to bits! I agree the accent isn't perfect but i can deal with that :) I thought the costumes, sets and graphics were all really good for a TV show tbh. I am a whovian and a woody and i admit it has beaten some of the epsodes of them with graphics already. (Only SOME - and with graphics) AND i also wanted Phil Glenister to be the new Doctor, so i am chuffed with him being in this I just hope they stay as good or imrpove :) And don't get worse as the series goes on as so many things do But overall i loved it lol :)
  12. Surely you mean just all sex scenes? Not just the gay and lesbian stuff.
  13. YES!!!!! Somebody else with a phobia of a fruit!! I am scared of oranges!! I don't feel so strange/alone anymore no, you're not alone! gah i really hate bananas and a woman in my office eats them ALL THE TIME. i have to leave the office when she does. *shudder* I'm still at school, and my English teacher got and orange out on her desk yesturday (Which i sit directly infront of) and just left it there. I shouted something like "argh and orange" but she left it there! I spent the rest of the lesson like shaking and not looking towards the front. If she would have opened it i would be out of there! Does she know of your phobia, did she do it on purpose? If so that's a mean teacher lol, or... she's trying to help you get over your phobia I don't think she does know about it lol If she takes one out again i will tell her, but she probably wont beleive me :lol YES!!!!! Somebody else with a phobia of a fruit!! I am scared of oranges!! I don't feel so strange/alone anymore Im not afraid of fruit, but i am allergic to some of it...i cant eat any kind of melon, plums or lychees Which sucks, since i like all of those I am allergic to 90% of fruit, and some veg. It's horrible.
  14. Oh well i'm only fourteen So i do have a higher chance of not knowing who he is and if bugs count then yes, i used to drown ants when i was very young, but i used to bring them back to life!! I can still do it now!! Its strange... But some of them did used to die... Have you ever gotten angry at work/school and punched a wall so hard your knuckles weere bruised/bled? (I did it today ) lol.
  15. A WEEPING ANGEL!!!! *cries* you win a can of pepsi *INSERTS COIN*
  16. DAVID TENNANT!!! :'( (Although i do like Matt Smith - people should give him a chance ) Calling or Text?
  17. Jerry's a mouse Yes but my brother was about 7 or 8 when he named him I don't think he really knew the difference
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