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Everything posted by L_T

  1. L_T


    awwwwwww dont be a meanie!
  2. L_T


    *looks confused* Hmm ithink i shall consult my Elijah....
  3. why are you depressed??? When i voted the score was no b/gf and one i hate them all. So many single people out there. *sighs* I agree with smaug, i'll stick to my cat. Hes a sweetheart. A little affection here and there wouldnt go amiss though Ah no! You dumped my Rhys???? Does a stupid hubby count? Oh no! Rhys will always be my special boyfriend. And yes i think hubby counts. See you all at easter!
  4. Eeeek! I never thought of that. It would be awful if the hobbit were directed by somone different. Tokien is Peters baby now, no one else should direct it.
  5. Congrats babe. Oh and yeah me has fiance too And congrats to you both.
  6. Yeah but riesen are so much better then boyfriends. They taste nicer anyway.....
  7. B**TARDS!! How dare they. When Peter and Fran put so much work into the films. Though im not sure they need it. Im sure they have plenty of money from the films. *is confused*
  8. why are you depressed??? When i voted the score was no b/gf and one i hate them all. So many single people out there. *sighs* I agree with smaug, i'll stick to my cat. Hes a sweetheart. A little affection here and there wouldnt go amiss though
  9. Guess. Like that was a hard choice!
  10. GLADY GLADY GLADY GLADY GLADY GLADY GLADY GLADY GLADY GLADY GLADY GLADY!! Cate Blanchett is a FOX! of the highest degree!!!!
  11. L_T


    *jumps up and down* Hold on, dont we already have a jumping up and down thread of randomness?
  12. L_T


    aaaaah randon topics. Dont'cha lov'em?
  13. I think its the other way round huns lol oh yes it is! lol! Mori x p.s momo thunderbird! momo?
  14. Ooooooh! Dont you have lovley hair!
  15. Mmmmmmmm. Bloody big bottle too. Tis bery nummy. Theres a glass of vodka and cherryade next to me too. Aaaaahh! Isnt uni wonderful
  16. eeerrrrr........ Ah what the hell. One of me and Davey (coz he's in everybodys picture, what a popular bunny!) And one of me looking extra sexy!
  17. Those crazy mo'fo's Like your new av btw. Very nice. Very very nice.
  18. Oh, did you ever find out whos poncho you stole at C6?
  19. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA *blows raspberrys* We should SO have a FotF doctor doctor game!! Maybe at the party?
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