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Everything posted by paretha

  1. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you meanie!
  2. dont mention cadburys! the adverts scare me so much!
  3. http://www.joyofbaking.com/EnglishTrifle.html trifle fans!
  4. im the one that likes EATING the trifle in the normal way! you two are trifle philes! trifle philes rock!
  5. Two men were walking through the desert. They were nearly out of water when they saw three tents in the distance. The hurried over to see if they could get some water. In the first tent they were told, "I'm sorry we only have trifle." In the second tent, again, "I'm sorry we only have trifle." They went into the third tent and again asked for water only to be told, "I'm sorry we only sell trifle." As they walked on, one turned to the other and said, "That was a trifle bazaar." http://triflehut.iwarp.com/index.htm
  6. look what i found: A woman went shopping with sponge fingers in one ear and jelly and custard in the other. 'Why have you got jelly and custard sponge in your ears?' asked the sales girl. 'You'll have to speak up,' said the woman. 'I'm a trifle deaf.'
  7. there could be a trifle campagin, trifles should be sold in all shops!
  8. You should make a serious complaint then, thats just bloody diabolical i shall! wirtes letter! my grandma always writes letters of complaint lol!
  9. i don't think my nearset shop sells trifles! lol!
  10. i think i will stick with cake! the trifle has bad side effects!
  11. Your weird you are LOL How old are you and you a boy or a girl??? I can never tell with these forum names im a girl and im 15 (16 in 19 days!) and i am wierd! lol! Cool, i am so glad we have cleared that little matter up. Oooooooooooooo not long till its your birthday then oooooooooooooooooooo birthday cake!!!!!!!!!! all cleared up! yay i will be able to buy a lottery ticket! lol! cake! i love the icing on cakes! I hate marzipan, the stuff stinks awful and makes me wanna puke and i hate fruit cakes, thats such an old grannies cake, mind you I do like them if they have sultanas in them but nothing else though, no cherries, orange rind and all the other s***, its yukky I prefer Trifle I have trifle in my fridge, and I am so not sharing its mine damn it, all mine!!!!!!!! vamps is hoarding the trifle!
  12. Your weird you are LOL How old are you and you a boy or a girl??? I can never tell with these forum names im a girl and im 15 (16 in 19 days!) and i am wierd! lol! Cool, i am so glad we have cleared that little matter up. Oooooooooooooo not long till its your birthday then oooooooooooooooooooo birthday cake!!!!!!!!!! all cleared up! yay i will be able to buy a lottery ticket! lol! cake! i love the icing on cakes! I hate marzipan, the stuff stinks awful and makes me wanna puke and i hate fruit cakes, thats such an old grannies cake, mind you I do like them if they have sultanas in them but nothing else though, no cherries, orange rind and all the other s***, its yukky yes marzipan is disgusting!i hate it! They should make the stuff illegal, I can't imagine why anyone would want to eat it. my friend loves it! strange strange girl!
  13. Your weird you are LOL How old are you and you a boy or a girl??? I can never tell with these forum names im a girl and im 15 (16 in 19 days!) and i am wierd! lol! Cool, i am so glad we have cleared that little matter up. Oooooooooooooo not long till its your birthday then oooooooooooooooooooo birthday cake!!!!!!!!!! all cleared up! yay i will be able to buy a lottery ticket! lol! cake! i love the icing on cakes! I hate marzipan, the stuff stinks awful and makes me wanna puke and i hate fruit cakes, thats such an old grannies cake, mind you I do like them if they have sultanas in them but nothing else though, no cherries, orange rind and all the other s***, its yukky yes marzipan is disgusting!i hate it!
  14. Matthew was so sweet in the Harry potter talk!
  15. oh! lol, well thats a good thing? i suppose!
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