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Everything posted by hobbit_luva777

  1. wow those pics r gorgeous!!!!! i LOVE the trousers!!!!! but to be honest dom would look gd in anything!
  2. yeah i saw the harry potter one last year in Toys'R'Us and man they had like the car flying outta the wall with lights and everything!!! (wow i got way too excited about that!)
  3. MK IS FANTASTIC!!!!!!! I love gettin lost (sooooooo many roundabouts!!!) i live about 1/2 hour away and i love goin shoppin there on a sunday!!!! MK RULES!!!!!
  4. IT WAS SOOOOOOOO SUBTLE MAN!!!!!!!!!!! U KNOW I MEAN SOO SUBTLE!!!!! sorry but i had to say it!!!! i absolutely love the Khazad Dum (the last min is just soooooooo fantastic and it truly brings teasr to my eyes just picturing the hobbits (especially billy!) after Gandalf had fallen)
  5. I'll dress up as the one ring!!!! instead of wearing dom (loved the idea!) mayb elijah could wear me!!!!!!!
  6. Cult TV Uk? well i put OTHER but i spose ANT AND DEC are in a cult of their own!!!!! (man i love those guys!!!!!!)
  7. ooo i met ur sister! she was telling us about that when we were leaving the tt screening coz we bumped into her outside!!! she made us hate her very much yeah!!!! the lucky pooh!!! although me friend fliss did get Doms water bottle and DRANK FROM IT!!!!!! (kinda disturbing i have to say!!!!) i did get his chuppa chups wrapper tho (god i sound soooooooo sad!!!!!!) but i did give him an apple in return.
  8. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!! mayb we could steal elijahs jacket too tho i dont think it would quite have the same effect!!!!!!!
  10. we can still try!!!! ive got a couple of quid wot u got?!!
  11. i remember u from the elijah queue!!!!!!!! i love ur tshirt man!!!!!!!! i love the way elijah looks more scared than dom in that pic!!!
  12. yeah i thought that about the 'lets buy elijah' thread!!!!! i was like 'hell yeah man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. okies well i was awondering if any of u guys asked any questions at the LOTR screenings cos i cannae remember most of it, im sure it prolly had sumthing to do with being in the same room with Elijah!!!!! anyways it wouldbe really great to find out wot each of u guys said. I'll tell u about mine and me friend Fliss's questions! Right, first off was my question to Elijah and Sean at the FOTR screening on the Saturday, 'if you could sum up each cast member of the fellowship in one word wot would they be? I just couldnt believe it when Sean just said 'Sexy' and then 'Karl' (i didnt think he was in the fellowship cast but i wasnt goin to complain!) Elijah was giggling and saying 'sooooo sexy!' (dont u just love his laugh! ) anyways i think it was elijah who said 'do u think we should do this in some kinda order?' and then 'Ian Mckellen, 'sooo sexy' I couldnt hear wot they first said about 'Viggo', partly becos everyone was laffing and just becos i had spoken to ELIJAH!! sorry!, but i remember Elijah saying 'insane!', next was 'Billy' with Sean answering 'hilarious but oh so sexy' and elijah's 'sexy!' Then my friend Felicity (the one from Biggleswade!) had a proper full on conversation with the guys and it went sumthin like this: Sean: i think we should ask this girl shes had her had up a long time! Felicity : ok ur lookin at me!' Elijah: giggles Felicity : ok, im felicity and im from Biggleswade, its a lil place on the A1, you should go their sumtime Elijah: biggles- biggleswade? Sean: we should go to biggleswade Felicity: ok i have two lil questions and one big question. firstly how r u? Elijah: im fine but a lil tired Felicity: secondly to Sean, i know its england but it not that cold, why r u wearing a scarf! Sean: oh i got it from baltimore, and my daughter gave me a cold (awww) Felicity: and this one is for Elijah. ok these are my 2 more favourite films ever, and which one is ur favourite out of the Adventures of Huck Finn and North? Everyone starts shouting and elijah says : 'North, but im not sure why.' Felicity: (quietly) 'is it becos of Bruce Willis in the Pink Bunny suit?' Elijah: sorry? Felicity :'is it becos of Bruse Willis in the Pink Bunny suit?' Elijah : err.......yeah probably! Felicity: ok thankyou! Elijah: Your welcome! ok and this is from the TTT screening on the Sunday, Felicity asks a question to Dom: Dom: yeah you behind with the white tshirt on Felicity : its pink and it has ur bum on it! (dont ask!) Dom: it has what? Felicity: ur bum! Dom: wot naked? wheres that from? Quite a lot (actually rather a LOT!!!!) of ppl start cheering and whistling Dom: im guessing all u guys have seen it too! Felicity: its off the internet! ok, i just gotta say nice hair Andy! and this is to Dom, can u decribe erm...wots their names......billy, sean and elijah in one word answers? Dom: ok.....Billy- Funny, Elijah...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm (everyone starts to laff!) - no that wasnt the word! (looks at Andy) Andy: Wise? Dom: yeah wise and Sean......focused. Crowd: thats not wot he said about you! and sumone said: sooo sexy! Dom: did he really? OK hope u enjoyed and i would love to hear more from u guys!!!!!! and im sooooooooo sorry that was so long!!!
  14. Fabienne hi!!!!!!! im danielle, one of felicity's friends tho we tried to disown her after her 'naked pic of dom on a tshirt' incident in the TTT screenings!!!!!!! i've got the transcript from the questions us guys asked on another thread and i'll post it up here in a mo!!!!!
  15. OMG!!!!!! that sooooooo bugs me too!!!!!!!!!!! wot the heck did he say!!!!!?
  16. LOL!!!!!!!! man i thought u meant underwear too!!!! and there u were gettin me all excited and stuff!!!!!! i think that dom and elijah have sum kinda pact or sumthin goin on to see how long they can wear the same clothes for i mean elijah and his jacket and dom with his 'pants'!!!! i only hope to god that they didnt chose 'pants!!' in that sense!!! that prolly didnt make any sense so i'll stop!!!
  17. hehehe the Fawn Jacket of Godliness (i dunno who said it at the screening!) but Elijah said he was never gonna take it off now!!!!!!!!! i personally like it very much indeed but i do agree he needs a change!!!!!
  18. Before C4 i woulda said Dom, cos i thought ELijah would be more reserved and stuff, but after the FOTR screening and his singing and giggling he is def. my favourite!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. IM 25!!!!!!!! except im kinda lookin in the wrong direction, but woohoo!!!!! it was so great us all being together like that!!!!!!
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