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Everything posted by haimstermania

  1. oh yeah! i love the dead zone! just got the season two box set. PLEASE get AMH as well!!!!
  2. hey look this threads a year old today the coreys sure are popular
  3. porkfat i like you signature - we should have dustin diamond!!!!! i'm still voting feldman .
  4. Feldog VS Haimster: the movie place your bets! all my money on feldman. though i wouldnt wanna see either get their asses kicked.
  5. i cant remember where i read this, but andrew said he was interested. i dont know if its def. going ahead
  6. thats funny! but seriously, i dont think they would stop corey, because he didnt commit any offences in these country, did he? didnt he make an album here a few years ago, anyway?
  7. that would be funny! they are supposed to be doing an WAB 3 now. or at least Andrew has said he will do it.
  8. i doubt it.... they let michael jackson come here didnt they?
  9. please please please!!! he's on bbc2 every sunday night at 10 in kingdom hospital now.
  10. please bring coreys!!!! haim and feldman!!!
  11. YES PLEASE!! he was in childs play 3, and serial mom too!!!!! and that tv movie - murder of innocence.
  12. halloween 4 & 5, jamie lloyd.
  13. YAOHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! ZACK!! SCREECH (love it if kevin the robot was with him) SLATER!!!! kelly and lisa !! take or leave jessie.
  14. from http://www.creature-corner.com/dvd/may04lostboys.php3 We've been hearing the rumors for months now about a Special Edition of The Lost Boys, even got confirmation from a WB rep that it would be coming out this year. Well, now it's got a date, so I guess we can't get any more official than that. On August 10th Warner Bros. will release their SE of The Lost Boys in a 2-disc set that will finally give this vampire movie the respect it deserves. A newly remastered anamorphic transfer and a 5.1 mix are only the beginning, other features will include more than two hours of "enhanced content" such as: The Lost Boys: A Retrospective documentary that will have interviews with Joel Schumacher, Richard Donner, Keifer Sutherland, both of the Coreys, and a lot more. "Inside the Vampire's Cave" featurette "A Director's Vision" featurette "Comedy Vs. Horror" featurette "Fresh Blood: A New Look at Vampires" featurette "Vamping Out: The Undead Creations of Greg Cannom" featurette "Haimster & Feldog: The Story of Two Coreys" featurette The Lost Boys sequel? Audio commentary by Schumacher Multi-angle video commentary by Haim, Feldman, and Jamison Newlander Music video Trailers Wow. Even if I hated this movie like I do most vampire films, I would still want to own this. But I don't, and I can't wait for August 10th now.
  15. Absolutely! IHMO, Nick sees things in life from a different perspective that's all! He is clearly a free spirit who doesn't want to fit in with the norm. Mind you, with a family like that ... And as from his relationship with his father, Ben? Hmm... yeah letsa have KRIS!!!!!
  16. yes that was a depressing chat, at least about corey. but he could still change his mind.... if thinks he's "hot"
  17. Andrew McCarthy C THomas Howell Corey Haim & Feldman Ralph Macchio Jeremy & Jason London
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