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Everything posted by AmbroseGirl

  1. Does anyone know if Matt Dillon has done cons before? After watching wayward pines I would love to meet him.
  2. Thank you will take a look at that. I could also try what most people do is get there super super early to get a low number VQ ticket. Last year I was queuing for about 2 hrs before entry and then rushing around for ages trying to find Christopher Llyods table. By the time I got there, my VQ ticket number was 400, and I don't think they even got through 100 by the end of the day with all the diamond passes.
  3. You could do what I and some others have done and take advantage of the send in service - it's not quite the same as seeing the guest sign your item but it's as good as a guarantee as you'll get without the diamond pass. (I will state for clarification though that one of the t&c terms does state that if the guest is too busy it might not be possible to get all send in items signed). I will say though that others who did the diamond pass guests without a diamond pass ticket say it's not impossible, depending on how quickly they sign they might get through a fair few people.
  4. RVD Edge Ron Perlman Mads Mikkleson So far... Definitely getting Edge and RVD autos, hopefully queuing won't be too bad. Also would like Rons and Mads but would need Diamond passes to guarantee as we all know last year was almost impossible for GA holders to get diamond guests autos. Not sure I would want to fork out on both! Going to keep my money in my purse until showmasters announce one of my guests suggestions (matt dillon, Charlie Cox, Tom hiddleston. ...)
  5. Hopefully one day: Richard Armitage Hugh Dancy Charlie Cox Andrew Lincoln Tom Hiddleston Kevin Dillon Matt Dillon J J Field Chris Evans Robert Downey Jr Jeffrey Dean Morgan Michael Fassbender James McAvoy Tom Hardy WWE Dean Ambrose Seth Rollins (All the divas) Hulk Hogan
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