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Everything posted by Mylene

  1. I think I'll dress as the Polar Bear. Kidding.
  2. Marystat we will be in the same hotel! Someone told me that the chances to get Josh at the convention were very slight because of the rpice it would cost to get him...Last night I had a dream that I met him in a restaurant and asked him about the convention, then he tells me that he didn't know about it and I say that it's too bad etc and he tells me "but I don't cost THAT MUCH!!!!!" LMAO.
  3. Do we know what the parties' theme are about before the convention? Or is it a surprise? How could we prepare ourselves if we ignore the themes? I think I'll stick with the casual clothing for the day (jeans etc), but will wear black clothes too for the parties.
  4. The actor is so charismatic that in his first scene I was hooked! No wonder his character always came back from death
  5. Josh holloway-sawyer Evangeline Lilly-kate Terry Oquinn-locke Naveen Andrews-sayid Michael Emerson-benry Elizabeth Mitchell-juliet Jorge Garcia-hurley Dominic Monaghan-charlie Vincent (the dog) ..Perfect dreamed list
  6. I voted Josh but it is a hard battle with Terry, Evie, Naveen, and pretty everyone! I am already so excited that I don't think I'll be disappointed, except if there's only Bernard and Rose coming
  7. Thanks for the tip Yvonne, but I don't want to damage them either
  8. I have the dvd box sets but there's no way I travel with them, I don't want to lose them The idea of the tee shirt is a good one, it's light to carry!lol I think I'll be going with my drawings of the characters though, I know that I have to draw Desmond, and I hope we'll get other big names for me to have time to draw them, then once back home I could put them on my wall
  9. Hi! I just registered to say that I'm coming too! Well I just bought my Gold ticket but I really hope that my new boss will agree to free me for the weekend, otherwise I am afraid that I'll get sick by chance at that moment I should make the trip with Lyly, I'm so excited and happy to go to the convention, to have this Lost moment, and as much happy to meet 'International Skaters'
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