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The Very Secret Diary of Percy Weasley


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Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations owned by JK Rowling and publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury. No copyright infringement is intended or to be infered.


The Secret Diary of Percy Weasley, based during the events of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets


- V. bad day, am not head boy yet, being prefect not good enough, must do better! Fred, George and Ron stole car to go rescue Harry, made sure told mum they’d gone, Dad was excited…Mum said didn’t deserve breakfast so gave it to me instead! Go me! Owl from Wood arrived for Fred and George reminding them to practise their beating…guess what they used for practise…stupid Wood, he really needs to get himself a girlfriend. Ginny seems to have bought very tasty diary…decided to keep it in mind for emergency snack resource.


- Only got one helping of breakfast, so had to nibble on the corners of the diary, Ginny stole it back…situation desperate…thank god going back to Hogwarts…almost everything there is edible…even Snape. Harry’s talking about himself again...if still had diary would throw it at him…Fred and George created new game though…Harry Banter…much more fun than Percy Banter, cursing my tie to strangle me as a python was not fun!


Still not Head Boy


- Good to be back at Hogwarts, four helpings of breakfast wasn’t really enough, but didn’t want to seem like a pig. Wood and Diggory started fighting over who needed a girlfriend more…then Davis got involved…never thought the Ravenclaw Captain would look so good with a trunk…


Still not Head Boy


- Ginny disappeared again today, saw her going down to the dungeons with tasty black diary…though somehow got lost and ran into missing Slytherin Seeker…must remember to tell Flint to try looking in France…on second thoughts I think I’d rather see broom boy try and beat Potter…


Still not Head Boy


- Broom boy couldn’t beat Potter…even on a faster broom and when Potter had a broken arm! Dumbledore looking rather sour faced (think he won another Sherbet Lemon bet with Snape) has started to ration my breakfast, stupid old fool. Also am beginning to notice there is something different about the castle…


Still not Head Boy


- Discovered what was different about castle, Dumbledore hired new interior designer…stupid smiling simpleton with dragon’s jelly legs…personally don’t think his self portraits were best thing to use as decoration when there are plenty of Mr Crouch that could be used…Ginny taken into Chamber of Secrets…don’t care as has nothing to do with me being Head Boy or my breakfast! Tasty black diary also seems to have vanished…no more emergency rations…Slytherin seeker found way back from France…took him long enough to find the ‘This way to Hogwarts Dungeons’ sign…he was stood by it for 3 months!


Still not Head Boy

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Wonderfully funny as always... I can't see Percy as the snack-type mind! heheheheh


Still - made me laugh!!


Love the incessant "wood needs a girlfriend" line... especially after Quidditch!


Lizzi xxxx



He needed a handle and well the snacking fitted with him nibbling on the diary lol - and you never know what goes on in the minds of the smartest people -smirk- XD


the "Wood needs a girlfriend" has always been fitting XP

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