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I waited impatiently for her to awaken.


Until I saw her beautiful, chocolate brown eyes looking at me with a wisdom far beyond her years, I could not – and would not – rest.


I can recall with vivid clarity the amazing sensation of the sweet-salty flavour of her blood as it ran down my throat. Knowing that my will power was the only thing standing between her becoming a monster, and very much against my better judgement, I followed Carlisle’s direction and clasped my lips against the wound on her hand, which the tracker, James, had inflicted, in order to remove the venom that was coursing through her veins.


For a moment, as I ingested her sweet blood, I was horrified to find that the fact that I loved her more than anything in the world went right out of my head. The only thought in my mind was of the frenzy that gripped me.


I carried on drinking, desperate to get as much of her blood inside me as I could, when I happened to glance at her pale, pain-filled face. The haze immediately retreated. I realised then that I would cease to exist if Bella died.


So I stopped. I still can’t believe that I managed it.


But knowing that I had come so close to being the monster that she always insisted I wasn’t, I knew that there was only one thing I could do to keep her safe.


My family and I had to leave Forks. Now.


I know Bella will not be happy with this, but her safety is paramount.


It was with relief and some trepidation that I noticed her eyelids flickering as she lay so pale and still in the hospital bed.


Bella’s hand lifted to the tubes taped under her nose and I put my cold hand against her warm one, stopping her.


“No, you don’t,†I said.


Story by Louise Wattis.

Edited by Arra Sails
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