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Can somebody help me please?

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I've been looking around for some cons and discovered this one at Manchester. Im a big Stargate and Red Dwarf fan and this con looks so interesting! I really really want to go!


Basicly I've never been to a con befor, so I was wondering if anybody could explain to me what happens at this event?


And can I just show up on the day of my choosing and get tickets for photo & singing ops at the door?


Thank you <_<

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  • Showmasters Admin

As fugaziuk has said do check out the FAQ it will answer a lot of your questions.


You can by tickets on the door.


Some photo shoots do sell out, but not very many (Elijah Wood, Dom and James Marsters are the only one's I know of that sold out), if they do not sell out you can buy these at the show.


No one can buy autograph session in advance it is a first come first served basis on the day. If you read the FAQ is will give you more info on when you should thing about arriving for the event.

Edited by Too Tall
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