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My friend got some ZATs for some of the people in our group, they cost us £45 each, but they came unpainted...


At the moment there just black, or dark grey-ish in colour, but does anyone know of any decent pics I can print off for my friend Gary to give the guy who is painting them for us...


Reason I ask is, that Gary showed us some of the ZATs that have already been painted and they have been painted all Gold, but you can see the lines on the ZATs through the gold, but thats not the right colour, at least its not the colour we want ours pained...


Fortunatly none of my groups ZATs have been painted yet. Any pics that you can post, or links to decent pics that I can print off would be great...


Thanks in advance for any help on this, just I'm not sure after searching the web, which is the exact piciture of the ZATs as they look in Stargate SG-1 and thats what we want ours painted like. To give you an idea its more the lines on the ZATs that are painted then the actual ZATs themselves....









Edited by zebredy
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