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Dobby gets his own back


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Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations owned by JK Rowling and publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury. No copyright infringement is intended or to be infered.





Dobby gets his own back



I awoke upon the cold stone floor with my master standing over me. Masters hand came towards me and tightly gripped my arm. He threw me across the room. He was angry; he always takes his anger out on me, Dobby always gets beaten I thought to myself, what have I done to deserve this. I desperately wanted to be free from the Malfoy’s but I knew the only way that was going to happen was if master gave me an item of clothing and I know he would never do that. The only thing I could do was to get my own back, so I came up with a plan….


I had never disobeyed my master before but enough was enough! As you may know us house elves have very powerful magic of our own we never usually use our magic only for mundane work, until now. I waited silently till all was quite and dark in the Malfoy house. As I waited I thought about what spell I should cast upon my master. I didn’t want to hurt him, as I don’t like to hurt anybody even though he hurt me. When all was quite I crept outside, I climbed up the drainpipe to the window of where my master lay.


I cast the spell ‘Alohomora’ to unlock the window and I opened it ever so slightly just enough for me to climb in. ‘Confundo’ I whispered and the spell was cast upon the master. I moved my face close to his ear and gave him some instructions. I Climbed out and closed the window feeling horrible that I had betrayed my master so I went back inside and hit my head on the wall to punish myself. I fell into a deep sleep until I was awoke by masters son shouting at him outside. He was shouting saying ‘What do you think you are doing! ‘What have you done to yourself!’. The spell must have worked…….


The spell I cast upon my master is used to confuse the person you cast it on, it make’s them believe what the spell caster wants them to believe. I could have made him do so many things for me but I know how it feels to be treated like a slave. I ordered master to cut all his hair and I cast a spell to turn it ginger like Mr. Weasley as I knew that he hated the Weasley’s! I knew it was wrong so that night I reversed the spell. The next day Master couldn’t remember anything, but when he realised what he had done he kicked me and locked me in the cellar.



Written by Leanne Whitehead


words: 445

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I'm not a dobby fan - to such an extent that am actually part of the "we hate dobby club"


But besides that the writing style is an interesting one - it's a good viewpoint to write from and the plot is interesting

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I'm not a dobby fan - to such an extent that am actually part of the "we hate dobby club"


But besides that the writing style is an interesting one - it's a good viewpoint to write from and the plot is interesting



Thank you. Your stories are good too

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I'm not a dobby fan - to such an extent that am actually part of the "we hate dobby club"


But besides that the writing style is an interesting one - it's a good viewpoint to write from and the plot is interesting



Thank you. Your stories are good too



Thankies! Only posted them really so the comp would go ahead lol - seemed like no one was gonna enter!

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