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Posts posted by lovbug

  1. I'm sorry if this has already been discussed, I've looked but can't find anything. I took part in the Guinness World Record attempt at Star Trek Europe. I would like to apply for a certificate through them, they tell me I need a code from the organisers. I don't recall getting at code at the weekend, and I haven't yet received anything from Guinness or Showmasters regarding this. Please could you advice if I need to contact showmasters directly or if this has been given out on the forum.


    Thank you.

  2. i was wondering if any of these actors are or have been to a showmasters con? I am aware they have been to other cons outside of the uk, along time ago i met david anders at eclipse. anybody more on the ball than i am.?

  3. Interestingly enough, Channel five and the newspaper in question are owned by the same corporation, so they may have given their consent to be interviewed by one and be used for the other without their knowing or realising they actually gave their consent for it to be used!


    I didn't know that :D , that is intresting. And yes, I know a friend of mine had an article in a magazine she agreed to, and the article also appeared in a main newspaper - that she knew nothing about.


    Good point.

  4. they'll no doubt be referring to the whole show as a gathering "of the nation’s biggest oddballs" and everybody there as an "outlandish crowd". So even if you don't audition, you stand the chance as being referred to en masse as "crazy comic geeks" just for being at the event.


    This is not how the show has ever been done before, infact they have never shown the areas, in which interviews took place. So i highly doubt this would happen. It's not like x-factor.


    a tacky freak show, the modern equivalent of going down to Bethlehem Hospital to watch the lunatics. Anybody prepared to give up their job and two months of their life to participate in such a grotesque circus, with their every waking (and sleeping) move potentially broadcast to all, just in exhange for the chance to become a Z-list celeb must be either stupid, desperate or an unhealthily narcissitic exhibitionist with low self-worth.



    What you have just done there, is disrespect people, the same way the newspaper did. You should know that judging people - calling potential contestants 'desperate', without knowing them is pretty much the same, as calling all Dr Who fans 'geeks'.



    4. I know of one ex-BB contestant who enjoyed these kinds of events, and he came out of it just fine. I assume he was pleased to be given the experience.

    I know of somebody who did a short stretch in prison who found it to be illuminating, educational and redemptive.


    What has that got to do with anything. My point being, if a person wants to audition for the show, its there right, and maybe you should give them enough credit to think they have thought the whole thing through properly. You don't have to protect people from making this discuission, just because it's not somthing you would do.


    I am presumming interviewed these people, and the person photographed gave there permission? (After all, they are poseing).



    I'm happy to pose with anyone who comes up to me and asks. I'm not saying anyone from BB WOULD still try to get in and get pictures and quotes covertly but if they looked like every other fan-photographer then that's what I'd take them as. That may be why some people who were photographed (but not interviewed) at the other event "are posing", as if they didn't know their picture would be used for an article they are posing as they would for any fan. :D

    Good point, I hadn't thought of this.

  6. I think it makes a difference on how this would be done. Interviews are noramlly held in a booth, and therefore people not wanting to be interviewed would not be filmed.


    I do understand the SM events are a safe haven for fans, and i dont think any TV/PRESS should be allowed to destroy that for cosplayers. I certainly dont think anyone NOT wanting to be TV should be put on.


    I am just assuming C5 will do it the same as C4 and only film inside a booth, and that the only reason they asked SM if they could film, would be to try and get a comic book/ film fan, which they probally decided they were looking for when planning contestants for the show.



    I would never want anything to put off cosplayers, i didn't mean that.

  7. To the people that don't see the problem, would you like to be the guest, going to these events because you enjoy meeting your fans, to then hear this story and think that you may he associated with promoting an event with 'oddballs' and people that want attention and stuff like that? I think not!

    I have read the article, and i feel really bad for the people who feel slammed. Although from what i gathered, it was not an article written by C5 BB, it was written by a newspaper. That I am presumming interviewed these people, and the person photographed gave there permission? (After all, they are poseing).


    I'm not sure i follow, how auditions for a show, is the same as a newspaper article NOT written by the show? In the past with C4 BB, interviews (even at the early stages) are not leaked to the press, as they always had the rule if a person is put in a paper/mag then they are excluded from the show.


    Again, can I just say that I love cosplayers.


    Although attendees when they are inside the show, they should be safe from Big Brother and Channel 5, but outside the venue they may not be. They could still be approached by them. Also, not everyone who attends the show reads the messageboards, and if they are approached won't know what has happened.

    I think any one approached, and interviewed and asked for a posed photographed would be told why, i wouldn't worry about it.


    And if people were to come and take genral photos outside of a venue, this could happen anytime and would not be C5 BB people. Its a risk we all take, every day of our lives. It's not illegal to take photos of people in public places.Although thats moving away from the point some what.


    Still, like i said earilier. SM obviously went the majority , which is a good business plan. I just have a different point of view.

  8. Personaly, I feel different on this subject. For the following reasons:-


    1. People will be given the chance to be interviewed, if you don't want to be on the show, and don't want to risk the way they might be put across, no-one is forceing them. I don't see why BB couldn't have attended, as only people who WANTED to take part would.


    2.I know many people are not fans of the show, but on the posstive side, if you did want to be on the show. You could win a lot of money, and become famous for it. It could be fantastic opportunity for someone, which you have now not given them.


    3.Contestants are often seen in a bad light, on opening night, due to past interviews and videos. However, once in the house, viewers often change their mind about contestansts based on WHO THEY ARE ONCE INSIDE the house. Therefore, they could look foolish for a couple of days, but it soon passes.


    4. I know of one ex-BB contestant who enjoyed these kinds of events, and he came out of it just fine. I assume he was pleased to be given the experience.


    Having said this, it's your show, and it was your choice. And i assume they are doing open auditions , for anyone who did want the chance.I do respect your decision tho, as you do have your rep to uphold, and it seems like i am in the minority here- so you do seems to be sticking up for the majority of your customers.


    ALSO, I love the people who cosplay - you are all bloody fantastic !!!!!

  9. I watch the Saw movies a LOT, but have also recently watched the Nightmare on Elm Street series (except New Nightmare, which I'm not keen on, and the remake, which I've not had a chance to see yet), The Possessed, which I thought was a load of rubbish, Hills Have Eyes (remake) and Chopping Mall, a really tame (compared to todays standards) 80s horror.

    the possessed, is that a cheap film, about sum1 who tries to comit sucide?

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