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  1. You can't really blame a guest queue speed on lack of organisation ... of course i can, other people didnt even get a ticket with a number on so why did i, she told me to come back after 2pm but other people just got in the queue and were allowed to so its one rule for one and one rule for another, hows that fair yeh your probably right, i reckon if i had gone sunday it would have been more successful, i agree that it was organised very well and i really had no complaints apart from the woman dishing out the tickets, i have been too several conventions and have seen celebs that have had ridicolous queues but i have stilled managed to get the signing but never mind i got a pic
  2. did anyone else struggle to get micheal biehn's autograph, i went to get it at 10am and was given a ticket which had number 293 on it, i couldnt get his autograph because when i went to see what number was able to get the autpograph it was nowhere near my number, at 3:30 it was only up to 200 and i had to go at 3:45 so i couldnt get his autograph, very annoyed with the staff fo not organising it better, i went for his autograph and couldnt get it.
  3. wel for your information i rang them on monday and they said that there had been problems with issuing photos so they could have put something on the website to inform people but they didnt, i rang last week and was told the same as this week that i will recieve them in a couple of days, its been 3 weeks now and i keep being promised that it will be a couple of days, so until you know you cannot comment
  4. im so angry i had my pic taken with Ben Browder and still havent had my pic, i have had no email to say whether they can find my pic or not, so pissed off, really i want my money back as it has been nearly 3 weeks and still no pic. What the hell in going on, so please to hear of some of you that got your pics but until your in my position you have no idea how frustrating it is
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