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Everything posted by Kuato_Lives

  1. Just checked and yes he did appear at the 2004 LFCC show. He was also £15 back then Source - http://showmastersonline.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=13950 That line up, man! What a show!
  2. I vaguely remember Yaphett Kotto being announced for Autographica some years back (Can't remember the exact year, it was long ago and I'm getting old ) but I believe he cancelled so I've always lived in the hope that he'd be announced for another event.
  3. My only other guess which is actually more plausible than the ones I mentioned in my original post would be Roy Scammell as he attended LFCC a couple of years ago and would probably be the right price to make up the £70.
  4. Interesting point but if it was just a double, I think they would have listed it as that rather than a group photo going by other photos listed in the store such as Doug Jones & Ron Perlman or Adrienne King & Robbi Morgan for example.
  5. Is anyone else curious about this? It really does have my attention. It's £70 in the store and it's a photo with Alien guests for £70 We have Tom Skerrit and Veronica Cartwright already attending with their photo shoots individually being £30 and £25. So there's a good chance we could be getting another Alien guest but who? And this is what is getting me excited. I think we know who it won't be, John Hurt (Rest in peace, you absolute legend) or Sigourney Weaver (The price would be too cheap for her to be included if compared to the last time she was over). That only really leaves 3. Ian Holm but if he did come I think he would be too expensive to be included in this £70 photo due to his extensive and brilliant body of work over the years. He has Diamond Pass status written all over him. So that means it could quite possibly be either Yaphet Kotto or Harry Dean Stanton, and if it is either of them that would just be, well, absolutely amazing.
  6. My second guess is Ben McKenzie since he is a detective in Gotham and Morena Baccarin.
  7. Jessica Jones is a P.I. so I'm going for Krysten Ritter and David Tennant as my guess.
  8. Jeff Cohen Kerri Green Jami Gertz Ione Skye Heather Langenkamp
  9. I'm staying in New Street, rather than near the NEC. Much cheaper and very convenient for just hopping on a train for a quick ride to the NEC.
  10. I was so swept up with Ming-Na's announcement yesterday I didn't realise Cisco got announced too! Woohooooooo!
  11. Please be Yaphet or Harry if we are, they're the only 2 I need. Tom is a great guy, this is a great announcement.
  12. She was the 3rd guest I ever met at an event and still remains one of the loveliest :)
  13. I kinda want to meet Ethan Hawke. I've really been enjoying his movies recently.
  14. He's becoming quite the regular now and it's pretty awesome. He must love us all
  15. Would be good if we knew the event, just so we know what section of the forum to check :)
  16. Yaphet Kotto and Harry Dean Stanton please!
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