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Everything posted by Shannen

  1. I have to say amoung all this negativity about the hotel staff and other non-hub attendees that I had very few problems. All the staff were very lovely, apart from the one occassion where we were left waiting over half an hour for our food and in the end I had to leave before getting mine so I could get to the talks on time. Other than that all staff I spoke to were lovely. As for non-Hub attendees, I found them all friendly, and was stopped a few times so people could ask what was going on but everyone was polite and just interested in what was causing this madness in the hotel. On Saturday night I was dresses as Magenta from Rocky Horror and despite that I had some lovely talks with other people at the bar, the only moment that I had trouble with was when it appeared someone took a photo of me without my knowledge and that kind of freaked me out but otherwise everything was fine. I never encountered any negative behaviour. Also I was very impressed by the breakfast put on by the Hilton as I am an extremely picky eater and at previous Hubs at The Park Inn, I have skipped breakfast due to them not having anything I liked. The Hilton was much better. I have to send out massive a thank you to MassiveEvents and all the crew as everyone was extremely helpful and friendly and happy to help (especially on Saturday when me and my friends were extremely confused by the layout of the hotel). And Surprise Kai was fantastic!! The Talks themselves were brilliant. They were interesting and also extremely funny. The Hub is rather ourageous, I mean this is a TORCHWOOD con, and I love every second of it. I do agree though that people need to be sensible when taking photos. You do not need to create a still by still flickerbook of the talks. Some people were taking photos non-stop and it really ruined my view for the majority of the Saturday talks in particular. Which was a shame as I also couldn't really see the screens from where I was sat. The Parties were great fun and although I did miss the layout of The Park Inn, with the main bar just round the corner, I still enjoyed myself greatly. But I do agree that as someone who sufferes from severe migraines, I couldn't be in the actual party hall for long moments of time due to the strobe lighting. Although that said I do appreciate the warnings that ME had put up around the hotel warning for the strobe lighting. Thank you. I have to say all the guests were an absolute delight and were all extremely friendly. Ben in particular seemed to steal the weekend for me as he was just lovely and genuinely seemed to enjoy himself. Same goes for Rik.
  2. I like this plan! I loved Paul at the first Hub!
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