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Everything posted by JacknDaniel

  1. JacknDaniel


    Lmao, i dont think i can beat that, altough from this moment henceforth, I shall speaketh through this text, whateth goeseth througheth my heart and mind...eth
  2. *gets a ten foot ruler and seletapes a spork to it * MWHAHAHHAHA 869599[/snapback] Wow, im not sure I can beat that, but can you balance while holding out a 10 foot ruler? Is it not heavy?
  3. JacknDaniel


    Ah I do not wish to displease, so I shall try and be in attendance If I do not turn out however, do not despair, as I am a fairly shy soul, and you wouldnt be missing out on much
  4. JacknDaniel


    Indeed I am attending, if only for a handful of guests, mainly to get away from my working life for a few days. I am afraid I may have to decline however, as my trains etc. may prove it difficult to determine when i shal be arriving at the said event. It is pleasing to know that the offer is there though my dear
  5. true, let the ruler poking commence, *grabs a metre long ruler*
  6. JacknDaniel


    OOh thanking you kind lady. I look forward to many an evening in your company!
  7. maybe (sharp) stationary poking isnt such a good idea after all
  8. sometimes the simplest things are the best though .....*pokes with a straw* 869544[/snapback] * Pokes with a shoon * 869547[/snapback] *pokes with a paper clip, a REALLY SMALL paper clip* 869552[/snapback] NEW ONE !!!!! stationary Pokage !!! hahahahaa * pokes with a stapler * xxx 869554[/snapback] *starts bleeding*
  9. JacknDaniel


    ive never met the peemers...they were long gone by the time i arrived here.. 869507[/snapback] They were cowards and charlatans, but they soon realised that they lacked the honour and hospitality that makes Meep great. Welcome to our land, JacknDaniel. You coming bowling next week? Who made the cookies? 869549[/snapback] They were made for me! Ive had such amazing hospitality in the realm of meep Dont know about the bowling, im still not certain about my godamm train times and when im gona arrive there, and 6 hours on a train is gona take it outta me
  10. sometimes the simplest things are the best though .....*pokes with a straw* 869544[/snapback] * Pokes with a shoon * 869547[/snapback] *pokes with a paper clip, a REALLY SMALL paper clip*
  11. sometimes the simplest things are the best though .....*pokes with a straw*
  12. Lol thats the only one i dont have, a propper spork i really want one hahaha 869531[/snapback] *runs home to mail spork*
  13. All those.....instuments.....sound amazing, all i have is a spork, which i use very often at home
  14. lol i've got stroons, splades, sporks, froons hahaha loads of em 869522[/snapback] Well thats hardly fair is it? I want a splade, it sounds funky
  15. *pokes with blunt end of a spoon*
  16. JacknDaniel


    Ive never been unfortunate enough to meet any of these P**mers, they dont sound a very nice bunch
  17. JacknDaniel


    Indeed it is an honour. The world of meep definately seems to be the friendliest part of the Showmasters universe anyway
  18. JacknDaniel


    why, i would be honoured to be in the company of such a maiden. I shall stay as long as I am welcome
  19. JacknDaniel


    *Applauds* I can see why you are the head of this extravagent place *kneels*
  20. JacknDaniel


    No no, no uncertainty here, just quietly enjoying my feast...incidentally, Cher2a and Maegurwen have become my new favourite ppls :)
  21. JacknDaniel


    *chomps away*.......*meep*
  22. JacknDaniel


    A drink, a cookie, and several meeps from ppls? This is overwhelming
  23. JacknDaniel


    Don't feel left out, mate! Join in the fun! Welcome to the Land of Meep! Care for a drink, mein fruend? 869448[/snapback] Oui Oui, meep you very much for that *meeep*
  24. JacknDaniel


    true, its a room that should never be empty
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