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Posts posted by adam_bomb

  1. I agree ..surely its the photographers job to check the photos......take the Lena/Peter shoot, Lena isnt looking at the Camera in a large proportion of the shots I have seen since, including my own. To be honest , i've met her before and will just cut her out of the picture, but I think its pretty poor for the photographer not to retake the photo at the time when there is an obvious defect

  2. Whilst I am happy there will be 2 Milton Keynes events this year, I am concerned about having at the current venue in Oct/Nov. The venue has improved but still isn't suitable for cold weather. I know there are some indoor areas but the guests could be outside for about seven hours throughout the day. We were lucky with the weather this weekend but we all know how unpredictable it can be. Will it ever be completely indoors?


    Believe the plan is for the arena to be ready for november, cant see anyway its feasible to hold the event outside in Mid November

  3. Not particularly fussy, would just like a bit more variety on the shows represented. Personally would like to see guests from:


    Sons of Anarchy


    Vampire Diaries


    Battlestar Galactica


  4. Really enjoyed both sat and sun, I've had my issues with the photoshoot distribution at these events in recent years but the new system is so much better and really takes a lot of stress out of the weekend. Very impressed with the majority of staff as well and all the guests I met were friendly enough, with special mention to Ellie Kendrick, Torri Higginson and Chris Judge.

  5. Any chance of a lita / Tara joint photo op????? Met them both individually before but a joint op would be of interest to me


    Is there a storyline/historical reason for them to appear together? Pervert!!!! :clap:


    Not a big thing for me personally,I've got a photo with pretty much every major WWE star of the last decade ...However in this case they were two of the biggest female stars of their era in the same company at the same time so it would be pretty unique to get them both in the same photo.

  6. ha ha, this is ridiculous....pure comedy gold....do you know how many times i've had to sit here and endure Doctor Who centric line ups, or Star Wars, or any of the other shows I have no interest in it......its called variety, some line ups u will like some , u wont...........i dont think 5 game of thrones guests out of a total of 50 or so guests is particularly over the top based on the popularity of the show and the fact that a lot of the line up are uk based.;

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  7. You can completely argue. To me a headliner is someone who everyone knows and recognises. Someone who whether they are your cup of tea or not you can see the validity in them not someone who's been in one solitary big show. Like last year, I wasn't interested in Gillian Anderson but knew who she was and thought she was a great guest even with no interest in her.

    Everyone knows who Katie Price is. Imagine her announced.


    Sorry but the criteria more than fits. You'd think Sarah Michelle Gellar was a big guest and arguably she's only famous for Buffy and some generally sub par movies.


    To get a guest like this at the height of his popularity (so far) is excellent for an organiser.


    For a start Katie price is neither a TV, film, sports or comic related guest so what's the point in using that as an example also SMG is Buffy, Buffy is one the biggest cult shows ever spanning a film, 7 seasons, a spin off a comic, books etc game of thrones might be good but its like 20 episodes, 20 episodes is nothing compared to Buffy and the amount of fans that come with that show not to mention SMG has had a number of films another great TV show, voice work just say her name and people know. Again not the best comparison.


    better to have 20 episodes of quality than 144 episodes mediocre episodes.....just saying

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