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Everything posted by stevethedalek

  1. Awww, that's a lovely picture up there, Aragorns_Princess! Fantastic! The imperial Dalek, Minty (yes, they all have stupid names), was along on the Saturday only. Yes, it does talk! I don't think it whistles though :-D Anyone going to REMOVED (caught you out, filtery thing!) EDIT - The filter is there because it is against forum rules to name other events.
  2. Yep, sounds like me! Sorry for whistling the same tune -- it got stuck in my head :-) I had a great time over the 2 days I was there last weekend -- thanks for all the kind comments in this thread. Cheers David James (Builder and Operator of Barney The Purple Dalek)
  3. In defence of my friend Steve, it's no business of anyone else's but his whether he lets his kids walk around with him when he trundles in the Dalek.In fact, he lets them operate it with him as well. Also, getting in and out of a Dalek at Collectormania always attracts a crowd, no matter where you try to do it, and most of the time at the end of a trundle we don't have the energy to move the things way out of the public's way. And it's just as much fun fielding questions about the props themselves and showing people the innards, as it is thrusting a glovepuppet in their faces and singing the opening bars of 'The Lady In Red'. Yes. Irony. Thanks! Amazing what you can do with some gardening gloves and a ping pong ball. Anyway, Barney The Purple Dalek is back on Monday. We should have a Davros prop for the day as well. Lis Sladen, John Leeson and Mat Irvine from 'School Reunion' (last night's episode of Doctor Who) are signing tomorrow so it made sense to have some Dalek presence to coincide with their sessions.
  4. (Barney The Purple Dalek fires up iTunes...) You're on! :-D
  5. Thanks for the reminder. Need some new tunes!
  6. Hi! Just a note to say that there'll be a couple of Daleks patrolling at C9 next weekend. Our friends at Tenth Planet have kindly invited a couple of us Dalek operators along. I'll be taking my new build, Barney The Purple Dalek, as pictured below, on Sunday and Monday. Come and say hi! (And I'll probably shout at you -- I do tend to get into character :-) ) Cheers David.
  7. Unfortunately, we've not been invited back for the autumn Collectormania - I guess this is simply because there aren't any Doctor Who guests lined up for this one, unlike the plethora at the last event. I'd imagine that we'll be along to the first 2006 one since the show will be back on then and the organisers will likely get some new and classic series guests along. However, to get your fix of nasty shouty alien pepperpot thing before then, just come along to the MK Centre on the weekend of 20/21 August -- the centre invited us back independently of Collectormania because they enjoyed having us around so much! We should have 4 Daleks there for the 2 days. Cheers David James (stevethedalek)
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