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leylas friend jenny

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Everything posted by leylas friend jenny

  1. We give vegetables... and fruit... you may have heard from Leyla. Christian got a lemon last time we saw him and then at the party he asked for another one. He knew our names, though, so that was cool. Jenny xxx
  2. We then gave him biscuits though, which he liked and offered around. That eased the embarrassment somewhat... And then he tried to pawn some bubbles a fan gave him onto us. We were like, omg you don't even keep your presents? He was like, um... Jenny xxx
  3. Lol that proves that one then: don't give celebs your number, they won't call. Lol... unless they ask for it, that's a different matter. *cough LEYLA cough* Jenny xxx
  4. Lol just thought of another embarrassing moment, which was when Craig Charles was staring down my top when I met him at C7, and he goes "yeah, I'm having a lovely time" even though I said NOTHING. I was like, um.... bye. Luckily I got my autograph etc first (made a twit out of myself doing that 2) otherwise I ma have just run away £15 poorer... oh well. Jenny xxx
  5. Ok, to keep the page up, does anyone have any embarrassing Christian moments? At te party, he told my friend and I he wanted lemon lingerie (because we bought him a lemon when we met him before)... anyway, on Sunday we turned up with a lemon nd some red frilly knickers. He didn't look impressed. *cringe* Jenny xxx *bump*
  6. Aw! I saw you! My friend Gem and I followed you for a bit, copying the Capt. Jack Sparrow walk... Twas well funny, but my film had run out by then Jenny xxx
  7. Aw Craig Charles is a wazzock... getting drunk, smoking, looking down girls tops. Oh, the celebrity lifestyle. Lmao. He should so go again, though, he told me about three times while staring at my boobs that he was having a"lovely time". I was like, um.... bye. Lol! He's a happy clappy jappy chappy. Although, he's not jappy... you get the point. Jenny xxx
  8. Lol I heard one girl trying to convince Devon he was really five years old but couldnt remember... And did I hear someone mention Dead Like Me??? YAY!!! wow that was too excited... dumdedum Jenny xxx
  9. I don't know, maybe it was the last party... Aw, Jenny's happy that David's happy! Jenny xxx Ps. Not2self: stop talking in the 3rd person...
  10. I think it was at C3 (leyla's and my 1st collectormania) and we were staring at Tom Felton (as you do) and this guy came over to us, put his hands on his hips and just went "Hi, how are you?" and we were like, "um, move we're looking at Tom" and then we realised it was Warwick Davies!! Cringe. Jenny xxx
  11. Yes... talking... definitely... I love u sober! aw, b happy david! Jenny xxx
  12. Aw Christian was awesome every time I met him! He even knew my name which was cute... Woo, we love Christian! Yay, we may have given him the biscuits he was sharing out. He's so cool. Lol, can you tell I'm a Christian Coulson fan? Jenny xxx
  13. I think you may notice my drunkenness by the fervent 'I loooove youu!' Lol I think I said that 2 just about everyone I met. Woo and Devon had some of my drink after I said it to him... But wouldnt we get bored just sitting down? lol Jenny xxx
  14. aw i love the pic of bob with corin... cuteness incarnate. and of course the infamous david! thats such a funny pic. wow glad bob the forg had a gr8 time at C7, is he coming to C8? Jenny xxx
  15. I promise not to complain... Lol think i'm just gonna take it as it comes. Jenny xxx
  16. No, remember next time I drink slightly less, because we don't want you feeling guilty. Yes, I remember now, it's all coming back to me... Jenny xxx
  17. Lol I know! I guess he's exempt... and did u see the empty beer bottles behind him? He cracks me up. Jenny xxx
  18. Lol ok, I forgive you... I kinda regret that decision but you're still forgiven. Yeah, weird is good... u may have noticed I liked you rather a *little* bit. Jenny xxx
  19. Lol I met Craig Charles he was so cool! Smoking tho and looking down my top rather obviously... hmm... I told him I loved Takeshi's Castle and he said he thought he was there for Red Dwarf. When I told him I didn't know what it was he called me a wazzock!!! YAY! Aw I love Craig Charles!!! Jenny xxx
  20. really? are you sure we even met? maybe someone just told me about you. oh wait, were u the weird guy taking my alcohol away??? Jenny xxx
  21. yeah I felt really mean, cuz Gem, Mims and I ran down Kali's queue just 2 see leyla and we like oh yeah, hi kali... oops. my god we're such horrible people! Jenny xxx
  22. Give us a clue??? lol did anyone get any funny party pics? havent seen 2 many on here yet. Jenny xxx
  23. lol I'm not! In your faces... lmao. Yeah, I may have seen you somewhat. Possibly at the party? Hmm... David, maybe I recognise the name... lol Jennyxxx
  24. Aw pictures r so cool... did anyone get any of the party? That was fun! Jenny xxx
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