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Everything posted by Shanshu

  1. Aww come on.....pwwweeeeettty ppppplllllleeeeease? not even so you can make fun of me?
  2. The effort is noted and supported, it's great that others are going to do the same - it doesn't matter if it's just a cool t-shirt or going all out, it's the fact that you're doing something and I think it's awesome. I'm thinking of going to the party as Rain from the Resident Evil film so it should be a laugh, if you guys are round come say hi, or point, or laugh - but it would be great to meet you both
  3. Ha ha Rimmer and the Elves..........happy days !
  4. Rogue from X2...?....OMG!! fantastic! If I find you, I'm afraid I'll be asking if you'll pose with me for a photo! That's excellent! You're right though - drinking?...dancing?....singing?...making new friends?....crazy costumes does seem to fit! let me know if you guys are coming to the party, I'll buy you a drink for the motivation! And don't let it be said that sewing is an easy job, I just can't use a machine so I can spend hours doing stuff like that by hand! There is a real science to it lol! I think you'll look fantastic
  5. I got my tickets booked ( I'm dragging along my friend from last time and another we roped into it!) Party was good - it was awesome to have so many friendly people to meet.( especially the guys outside when we were waiting for our taxi....one had a Wolfram and Hart t-shirt on!) The bar did run out pretty quick, but if you're a spirits or alcho-pop fan there seemed to be plenty of that ( cos frankly I had far too much! ) The costumes (however badly judged in the competition ) were all fantastic and I thank all the people there for not booing me out of the party as I was dressed up as Tru Davies from Tru Calling. (some did say they thought the show was rubbish but they thought it was cool I'd make the effort ) I'd like to dress up again as it seems a wicked ice breaker with people but I'm not sure if anyone else will be? I'm set to go as Rain from Resident Evil, and I'm trying to convince one of my mates to don a pair of very small shorts and go as Daisy Duke. what does anyone think?
  6. You're making your costume? that's awesome - I wish I had a talent for that...I usually have to cheat and buy clothes and then accessorize! I'll keep my little beedies peeled for you all. I'm trying to get my friends who are coming with me to dress up for the party, I thought it would be a laugh so I was trying to get count of people who might be doing the same.
  7. Hi, You guys still dressing up for the party as well? I'll look out for you all on Sunday, Rocky Horror rocks!
  8. Hi thinking of dressing up for the party, I read on the board there was a Rocky Horror revolution going on!! Anyone else going to dress up?
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