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Everything posted by TheAngelicOne

  1. Don't worry, not bringing a real snake...though the rubber one does look realistic. I'm having problems with it. I'm dressing up as Cleopatra and have finally found a rubber snake to go with the costume, had to borrow it from a work mate's little boy so can't really do anything extreme with it. Its quite long and wraps around my shoulder but when I go to walk, its going drunk and falling off lol. Any ideas on keeping it still? Thanks bunches!
  2. Cool! Have fun! I can remember when I went camping years ago and ending up sleeping in the van because the tent was freezing...never again, the van was really tiny lol.
  3. Well its coming more real for me because i've got to go meet my special someone at the train station tomorrow night and we're gonna watch Torchwood DVDs at mine. Second date too so extra hype! lol.
  4. Well this is my first con so excited with a bit of fear mixed in. No idea why but its there lol.
  5. Well I was gonna bring my 2009 Torchwood Calendar but dunno if I can carry it Otherwise i'll be using the pics provided.
  6. I suppose I could just come as myself, i'm scary anyway lol Hmm, seriously though, i'll have a think and see if I get any inspiration this Halloween
  7. I'm gonna go with standard, waiting to see what other guests will be appearing first. Also I think my bank account will be cursing and crying at me if I go for gold. Unless I win the lottery lol.
  8. Nopes lol. Thanks anyways. Think i'm gonna be cooked by my partner lol.
  9. I can't remember who but someone posted a topic on a cheap hotel. All I can remember is the street being Station Street or Road? I've accidentally deleted the email when I booked up and I can't remember what the name of the hotel from the top of my head. A little panicky at the moment lol. Help! lol.
  10. -crosses fingers- Oh I hope so. Then I can die happy lol. Oh you know what I mean..well I hope
  11. Hey all! I'm Kaz and i'm 23 (24 next Wednesday) and i'm from Birmingham. This is going to be my first convention and i'm really looking forward to it.
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