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Radical Edward

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Radical Edward's Achievements


Runner (1/23)



  1. eheh good choice okay I must leave now... I wish all wonderful Sblomie dreams Hugs, Rad P.S: Thanks again Showmater!!!
  2. hmm it would be cool... but imagine... if Billy will visit Dom (hey we can dream! lol) he will have no place to sign you an other autograph For my part, it will be one of my fav pic of Dom eheh Oh my god... when I'm goign to tell to my family and friends, I'll be there, they'll think I'm mad but nevermind! And with my trip in UK this summer I really hope I'll improve my english so that I could speak to Dom easier than with Billy the last time lol So LOTR Fan, it is like you want... well bring the both! eheh this one and a new Hugs, Rad
  3. Okay to do a huge party I bring the drinks! Does someone want a special drink?
  4. *does Happy Dom Dance with LOTR fan* Come on, you're important my dear! You're a loon, a Dominated loon
  5. *imites the voice of Showmaster* Adam... How do you feel now?
  6. I saw a happy dance somewhere? Could I join you? *starts to dance the Happy Dom dance with the other Dominated gal*
  7. *goes on her knees* thank you very muchly Showmaster! You made my day..my night..my week-end...my month.... my whole springs holiday THANKS!!!!
  8. yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my god, you know how to make us happy Tremendous hugs!!!!! Rad
  9. Oh my god... too much pressure, too much pressure!
  10. Whoohooo a Dom dance: what a brilliant idea! *joins everyone in the Dom dance* Dom dom dom Dom dom dom yeaaaah let's go to sing dancing Hugs, Rad
  11. Hey hey hey everybody! I'm a newbie and as my english is very very bad, I just have 2 words to say: Dom pleeeeeeeease Between I really enjoyed C3 and I'm looking forward the next one See you space cowboys, Rad
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