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Everything posted by Ladyd

  1. For those wanting to attend the Masquerade competition please see the thread below. http://showmastersonline.com/forums/index....showtopic=42193
  2. just wanted to agree to having Shane over for C14, deffinatly a great guy, easy to talk to and plays guitar, a genuine nice guy, always a pleasure to have him at a show.
  3. Due to unforseen Circumstances Showmasters are not able to hold a Cosplay Masquerade at C14. However because of this i have managed to arrange a competition online. How will this go ahead i hear you say, well... It will be for Saturday only, my appolagies go out to all of you who were only attending the sunday for cosplay, still there's always the next event. I will require NO reference pictures & NO music, Just YOU and/or your group in full costume plus a contact e-mail address. You will only be able to sign up at the event in full costume, photos will be taken for detail at the event posted online for the public to chooses the winner/s after the event. the voting will take place in the cosplay area and you can link to it from anywhere and get people to vote for you, most votes win in each catagory ect... the voting will have a deadline date and results will be posted on the cosplay area, The winners will be e-mailed for address details and prizes will be posted to them. JUST BECAUSE WE CAN'T HAVE A MASQUERADE AT THE EVENT DOESN'T MEAN WE CAN'T HAVE A COMPETITION AT ALL all you need to do is ask the orgaisation booth on the day where the cosplay signing area is and they'll point you in the right direction, i will be taking applicants through out the entire day. if you have any suggestions or questions please let me know in a comment below. Jackie x
  4. That would be Sarah, i think i'm in competition with her to wear a different costume at each event, although i can't win anything as i'm presenting it, her costumes are fantastic and she's got no stage fright at all unlike me.
  5. and it's pictures like this which make me wonder why these people didn't enter the Masquerade unless they weren't staying that long or they bought the outfits.... Oooh you are awfull Burnt Anakin? i didn't see him...unless..was he wearing black cloak?
  6. Emma! You can't enter, you'll win...lol I have no objection to you entering at all, you should, your costumes are fab and you deserve the limelight every so often, and I'm sure other cosplayers won't object either. I'll judge lol...( joke, of course!) Lady D, I'll try and get some pictures done for your wall. I have nothing that's any good right now. Pictures for the winners wall are always welcome, at the moment i'm relying on my photographer Giles who's been at the shows taking the pictures, they are very good though i just have to remember who's Won in the past, i'd love to get Group shot pictures for the wall .
  7. The winners wall also gives us reference to anyone who entersa costume who's won at a previouse show i think you should enter...some of your stuff is great BUT no tactical voting from your bro though lol. i'd love it if either of you could judge whenever you can you just need to e-mail me in advance at cosplatatsm@googlemail.com to tell me what show/s you'll be at for judging. xx
  8. I would like to make adjustment. There is no cosplay Masquerade on Sunday this is on the saturday only.
  9. anyone got pictures from the cosplay masquerade or atleast from cosplayers wandering around?
  10. I havn't come accross that sorry, hopefully someone who has will read this and will say they found it and will return it but nothing was handed into the cosplay area.
  11. Can i get a confirmation that this is completely seperate and in no way connected to the Cosplay Masquerade during Saturday afternoon?
  12. Regarding ANIME/MANGA stuff yes it does have a place in LFCC like any thing else thats on TV or has been made into a film, personally i'm a fan of the good stuff, well made anime like Helsing, Princess mononoke, Battle angel alita, ghost in the shell ect...not hyped up on sugar toon stuff that really confuses me as it doesn't make much sence but we all have our likes and dislikes but it's good to bring it in gradually so not to take over the original aspect of what makes showmasters shows amazing. In the cosplay area we have already realised that were not a fan on the free hugs ect...it's scary and a little childish, also you wouldn't want a law suit cos you hugged someone under a certain age and you hand accidetaly touhed something it shouldn't have due to them not really wearing much. The cosplay i'm trying to create is for those people that actually put a lot of time, money and effort into their costumes so are worth wowing over and having a masquerade for.
  13. *points* YOUUUUUU you need to give me a postal address for your certificate. i can be contacted at cosplayatsm@googlemail.com would you mind if i used this picture for the dispolay i'm creating, Cosplay winners Wall?
  14. Ok so things get dropped or left at these shows and working in the cosplay section, things fall off costumes ect...so i'm hereby placing a lost n found Notice for you guys. after each show i will place a listing of things that were left behind, or found by my section and will wait for someone to claim it, i will aska question or 2 to make sure it's yours. From Manchester Left behind by the welsh girl from Gwaelod-y-Garth - a picture of original character, sexy nujutsu. From C13 left behind by the Naruto Girl - A4 drawing pad From LFCC Left behind - a book with reference picture (i think it was for YU GI OH) Found - Small stirling silver ear ring Found - Black money/dice pouch Found - Small brown Belt buckle
  15. will do hun, you'll have to let know know 1st though if your taking part in the masquerade or not
  16. It should do but i will confirm what you need from Showmasters and post an update soon. What would you like to know as i can find out anything specific from Showmasters. everything is still the same and hasn't changed from the post above, but if you have any queries please feel free to ask.
  17. You can find my full report of the weekend for the Cosplay Area HERE i'd love to hear your views on how it went for you. and see pictures of course.
  18. Hi everyone, Well that was a hell of a weekend and I think it went a lot better than some of the past ones which in all honesty had all the teething problems, but that’s to be expected. We’ve pretty much got it all sorted now and the only thing I’m really trying to do is advertise around the net so more people know about the Masquerade but also so that Cosplay/Costuming groups who have a charity can have a table at the show (details found HERE). I’m currently in the process of finding more sponsors for prizes since the categories worked so well for this show, I would like to find someone to sponsor each category individually. The categories were and will be staying as the following: Best Individual Costume & Best Group in Film/TV/Theatre/Original Creation category Best Individual Costume & Best Group Anime (Japanese & American)/Game/Comic’s (including Manga) Best Under 15’s entry Judges over all Favourite – Top prize (can be anyone or any group or anyone from a group) Audience over all Favourite Signing up on line for the show really worked (details of which can be found HERE), I had the pictures and music sent to me (or given on the day) and those people just had to sign in on the day to say they were in attendance, but they were guaranteed a place in the Masquerade for pre booking. There were enough people on both days for a good show AND I didn’t have to ask any questions (which I had to do in the past just to make it last 45 mins at most and that’s Nerv wracking for both Cosplayer and me). I started up a winners wall which was placed on the wall behind me, I’m in the process of getting pictures of all the winners this year but if you’ve won and have a good picture of you in the costume I’d love a copy. This week I will be creating all the certificates for all the winners and getting details of all the names if I don’t have them already, then it’s just up to Showmasters to print laminate and post them off, which I’m hoping will take no longer than 30 days. We still need to create a sign for the Cosplay area and I know a lot of you were creating letters but I still have not received the all, I have a few but obviously not enough to create the sign, you can hand the original into to the Cosplay Area when you’re at a show or you can post it to me in one of those do not bend folders, please e-mail me at cosplayatsm@googlemail.com for my postal address. Everyone was fantastic and looked amazing, I was personally freaked out on stage by the silent hill girls on Sunday by the shaking the bubble head nurse was doing while walking, (it gave me shivers) so well done to you guys, I wish you had won something. The X-men group were FAB and great poses by the joker group on Saturday with the batman. Sarah…in the Under 15’s category…your just going to keep on winning aren’t you . The Tech crew – You were once again fantastic so thank you guys once again, you never fail to impress or amuse me with what they have to go through over the weekend. My staff - Helena and Shaun were great as always, Helena your OCD is a god send and Shaun I’m just glad you put up with me xx. Thank you to Showmasters for allowing Giles to do the photography for both Masquerades, he is always appreciated, and for providing the prize money and certificates for the show. Thank you to our sponsors SFX - LC Toyz - Orbital Manga - The Astral Gypsy - Incognito Comics & Collectables – Dimetional Manga and newbie Apocalypse Comics for providing all the Prizes so the masquerade so it’s worth while taking part. And lastly a HUGE thank you to our Judges who kindly offered their assistance for the show Charlie Weber (Ben from Buffy), Ian Whyte (AVP Preditor) for agreeing to be our celebrity judges and put up with my ramblings, Cookie and Cassandra for their last minute agreements on Sunday and Cher from Orang-utan comics, your judging is welcome anytime I’m happy that Judges now get to have a look at the costumes briefly before the show starts but my briefing ability needs some work lol. BTW thank you to eveyone who gave me some wonderful compliments over the weekend on how the Cosplay was being run this time round, you truely boosted my confidence. I hope everyone had a good time and i would love to know how you thought it went and what you would keep/change.
  19. And you can find all the details on how to apply in the cosplay area or by following the link below. http://showmastersonline.com/forums/index....showtopic=41213
  20. I need to sort out my Mara Jade, and i really don't have a clue what i'm going to wear for the other day. BUT CLAUDIA BLACK is there... For the love of god and all that is holy, i'd love to see Farscape costumes. COOOOL, hey is that the wig you used for Van helings woman...you know the one with the corset, Anna Valerious.
  21. what was your costume? did you get your photos taken by Malcom the Showmasters photographer? I will need your postal address again for SFX can you e-mail me at cosplayatsm@googlemail.com about this. TY
  22. Well as long as they have a reference picture for the judges they can enter lol.
  23. yeah i thought as much....anime/animations and books/comics with regards to the link, i've only just found out about this...but i'm sure the masquerade will be at an earlier time if it goes ahead...so far we have not had any entries for Sunday only the Saturday.
  24. Don't forget you can apply online with your reference picture and on stage music, and remember you MUST have a reference picture to apply (with the exception of origional costumes)
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