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  1. Haven't been here in a LONG time. So you guys have seen The Rasmus in concert and some of you have even met them now? Cool. I'm just about dying because HIM's NYE gig tickets will go on sale tomorrow. A friend of mine is supposed to go and queue up for them, but I also have to try to get some tics via the phone and the ticket office website. Yikes. Madhouse awaits tomorrow... *sigh*
  2. Is it too late to get a Stewarding position for C6? Also, and this is a Q specifically to Showmasters, what is your press policy at Collectormania? Do you issue press passes at all, and if you do, how should one go about asking for formal press accreditation?
  3. I only have one wish... Elijah. I really want him for C6. Heck, I really just want him. Of course, ANY of the other major guests would do as well. But Elijah... Dear Lord. Please try to get Elijah, mmmkay?
  4. A question to Showmastersonline, and a comment. Do the two major Cons you're arranging, Collectormania and London Film And Comic Con, do they have sort of slightly separate "images" and target groups, or are they essentially the same or very similar events, with just different names and locations? I mean, do you aim at getting certain types of guests for one event and slightly different types of guests for the other, or do you happily cross-book guests between them simply on the basis of when particular guests would be available? And, specifically relating to LOTR guests, do you try to book equally "hot" guests for both events, or is one of them generally more LOTR-centred than the other? Also, regarding the LOTR guests. At my very first Con earlier this year, the Scandinavian Con in Malmo, Sweden, I met some ppl who are taking part in organising later this month a certain LOTR-gathering that shall remain nameless. I was talking with them about Cons and the LOTR guests I would like to meet, and also about the Showmasters Cons that have featured LOTR guests, particularly the C4. I told them that after meeting Billy there in Sweden, my ultimate dream is to meet Elijah, and proceeded to ask them about C4 and how it was to have so many Hobbitses under the same roof. They told me that apparently it had gotten quite mad and even somewhat out of hand, which is basically what I've read from other sources too. They also said -- and I want to stress that this was before I had any idea about the animosities and the fierce competition between different event organisers in the UK -- that THEY think that after seeing how crazy it got, they do not believe that for example Elijah would ever do another Showmasters event again. I don't know the background stories or where they got their info, but the basic idea I got from them was that Elijah himself would've practically sworn that he would not do another Collectormania/Showmasters event because the security at C4 was so insufficient and underestimated (their paraphrased words, not mine). Any thoughts on any of the above? I realise that you're not gonna reveal your business secrets or which LOTR guests you're gonna try to get, but could you at least say if those ppl were completely off-base, which is what I suspect them to be?
  5. I'm officially f*cked now. Don't get me wrong, it's great that you can and will have LOTR guests... And looking at your track record, I'm not gonna be surprised if you'll end up pulling the most impressive LOTR guest list this year, despite certain LOTR-specific Cons that will also be taking place this year. It's just that I KNOW that if you'll actually get any of the big names, I don't know what I'm gonna do but I will HAVE to get there too, no matter what. Maybe I should just book Ryanair flights now and if you won't get any of the guests I want to see and the flight bookings would end up being made in vein, then I just have to eat up the financial losses.
  6. But have you guys heard of... The 69 Eyes? Negative? Nightwish?
  7. Yeah, I've heard of them. Seen them live 20+ times, interviewed Ville & Mige once, met all of them a few times. :lol: Ville, like, r0xx0r. Or something. Or to put it in another way, I have two ultimate favourite bands in the world, and HIM is one of them. The other one is Bon Jovi.
  8. Actually, I e-mailed a link to that thread on IMDB's message board to MsAllegro, at BEI, and if I understood her correctly, that blonde lady in the pics has been identified as Elijah's publicist.
  9. . . . Or you could have a do-it-yourself trip and hopefully end up paying a lot less than that. Fly to Tampere with Ryanair, take the bus or the train to Helsinki and stay at a hostel or other such affordable place.
  10. Heh, how weird to see piccies taken in Finland on a message board like this.
  11. Well then, all the best to Elijah and his new (?) girlfriend. Hopefully she makes him happy, that's all I care about.
  12. Nice piccies, they're from the festival I went to last weekend. Though in all honesty, some of my pics turned out even better, I think... Hopefully I'll have the time to sort them out soon.
  13. Do you have any pictures or articles about this alleged new girlfriend? When I checked out a couple of relevant EW sites earlier today, I saw no mentions of a new girlfriend anywhere... And I'm quite sure those sites would mention something about it, if it was true.
  14. I'm not disappointed, although I don't know any of the new guests who were announced, save for the lady who played Councelor Troy in ST TNG. Whichever other guests they might get for C6 and LFACC, my own attendance will depend completely on three groups of guests: the two main cast members of Dempsey & Makepeace and The X-Files, and of course the LOTR guests. So it will probably be quite a while before I can make up my mind about going to either one of the Showmasters events this autumn.
  15. Yup, and from the front row too. Though I was on the side, as I had no intention to spend all day in front of the stage. Had to go and see Negative at first, and then some other bands (Finnish ones that sing in Finnish). Once I get the pics up in my LJ, I can post a link here. But it might take a while, I have to resize the digi pics etc. Awwwww... See, this is what you non-Finnish folks are missing out on. Rakkauslaulu is this really cute and sort of childish little song the guys recorded in Finnish aeons ago, I remember hearing it on the radio and going like "wtf is this?!" LOL. I can't really explain it, you have to hear it for yourself... Though obviously you wouldn't understand the lyrics. And as for the sign language... There is a bit in the lyrics of Rakkauslaulu where Lauri sings "katsoit silmiin ja näytit näin", which translates roughly into "you looked me in the eye and gestured like this". Now, I don't know if it's an international sign...but in Finland, if you form like an O with your thumb and index finger and then stick your other index finger through that O and sort of move it in & out, it means........well, try it for yourself and you'll get my drift. :wub: And that is the sign Lauri did on stage last nite.
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