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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Danny John Jules gets my vote. One of the nicest guys I've ever had the pleasure of meeting.
  2. Can I just add: I was one of literally THREE people who got Craig to sign an autograph, what a guy!!
  3. I was third row back, Craig Charles is a legend! I actually guessed as soon as he stood up though... I was smug. I'd kill for a video of the talk!!
  4. Ahh good stuff man! No worries then, he just seemed rather numb in the movie. Then again I suppose he would be after today!
  5. Is it just me or does the guy seem a little erm...... well, uncomfortable? I understand he's 70ish, but I was hoping for a picture with him, and I don't think it's gonna happen, looking at that footage!
  6. Why didn't you get to meet Tony Todd? Not enough time? Or did he stop you in your path with a swarm of bee's? *Keeps telling himself Candyman isn't real......* Glad you had a good day man! How busy were things all round?
  7. Thank you so so much! I'll be the tall thin white guy with a crazed expression on my face. The forum table is easy to locate I take it?
  8. Gandalf, I dont suppose you could hold back two tickets for me and my girlfriend could you? I'm really only going for the Red Dwarf cast and to miss that talk would be devistating for me. But if you think there will be enough for me to show up early and get one tomorrow I'll trust your judgement!
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