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Jonathon Woss

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About Jonathon Woss

  • Birthday 05/07/1964

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  1. Wibble wobble weturn of the king is wubbish wibble. Only one egg for that one wibble.
  2. D and C? Dust and Clean? I assuwe you Mr Bob that I don't know what you awe wibbling on about. I just happened to have not liked the Lawd of the Wings film. If you are so weak that you cannot handle somebody disliking you favouwite movie and feel that you have to wun away cwying then that is your pewogative however you could twy being a man and accepting that the film is not the gweatest movie ever made (that still belongs to Citizen Kane), and that not evewyone is a Lawd of the Wings fan. Wibble.
  3. If you knew anything about films, like I do because I'm a film weviewer, you'd know that not EVEWYTHING in a book is included in a filmed version. You can still tell a decent stowy without using evewy little page of a book, its what defines a decent diwector. As fow me including 'W's in my typing, you cwiticise me saying that it's not how people speak in weal life, well why have you written "when we speak on here isn't exactly how we speak in real life is it? S'not like we include or accents innit much!" I suspect this is how you speak in weal life, and therefore you have just contwadicted yourself. And YES I DID get my money back fwom the cinema manager, as did the west of my colleagues. What you believe or not doesn't matter anyway.
  4. I didn't say I was Mr ROSS I said I was Jonathon WOSS. Can't you wead? That Jonathon obviously isn't a very good film weviewer anyway, for starters his bwother is Paul 'If it has explosions in it I love it' - "News of the World" Ross, and Jonathon himself once declared Batman Forever to be 'One of the Greatest movies EVER made', while he was working at The News of the World. Go figure. WIBBLE
  5. No sowwy I won't stop with the 'w's' because that's how I speak.
  6. If it was FANBOY/GIRL Oscars then yes it would clean up, despite the fact that it's utter wubbish. Hopefully the weal academy will know better and award The Last Samuwai and Tom Cwuise the Oscar, or perhaps Won Howard's The Missing, or even Anthony Mingella's Cold Mountain, Clint Eastwood's Mystic Wiver or Seabiscuit, quality films all of them. If by some massive mistake Weturn of the King does win Oscars I then expect the Best Picture of 2004 to go to Police Academy 8: Dwug Addled Hobbits. Wibble.
  7. I'm not the fiwst to take the Michael out of my speech impediment. I don't weally understand your statement. If you have no pwoblem with my cwiticism, then what actually is the pwoblem? You say you are one big family here and that I should twy to be a pawt of it, but please explain how you think I should do that. Wibble.
  8. he does have a point guys; this is for criticisms as well, he/she just doesnt do it in a way we would consider as 'Appropriate'; let it slide unless you reallyDO feel offended and then report it. thanks, Deags xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx How would you consider a cwitisism appwopwiate?
  9. I'm not out to wattle any chains, but you would think that a Lawd of the Wings thwead would be able to take cwiticism as well as pwaise wouldn't you? Get weal, not evewyone is going to like this film, and you have to accept that. You can't tweat people who don't like it as outsiders so that you can all live in your pewfect little Lawd of the Wings world. This film is faw fwom pewfect, it has massive flaws, the pace being the biggest of them. It dwags for the fiwst two hours, and I was so bored by then that I didn't care what happened in the end. As for why post my comments here? Well the subject is about Lawd of the Wings, so that's why my comments awe placed here. Wibble
  10. Evewyone's going on about how gweat they think this film is when the twuth is it's wubbish, its twipe. It's like the Empewors new clothes, you are afwaid to say its bad in case the west on here attack you for it. I'm not afwaid to give my honest opinion that I thought it was utter cwap and a waste of my well earned money, (well I did complain and got my money back from the cinema manager, so I guess you can fowget that bit). WUBBISH
  11. For the hard of hearing WUBBISH The Weturn of the King was utter twipe. Wubbish.
  12. It won't win any Oscars because it's utter Wubbish. Biggest load of Wubbish I've seen in years. WUBBISH
  14. I am Jonathon Woss and I meant the film was wubbish, utter cwap.
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