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Everything posted by D-C-A
My simple thoughts are, oh for god sake, I didn’t realise he was 80 but still
So I’ve just discovered something awful, as it turns out one of my CDs is signed by Gareth Roberts which I now hate, but I can’t replace as it’s got several other names on it, guess Colin Baker is signing over that
Given his family minus his brother were there I can’t imagine there was any stopping him and with his wife just next to him even if she was signing herself it definitely meant he was in good hands, but he shouldn’t have been allowed to attend, and the knock on effect would mean no Shirley but I could live with it personally.
I think most events have enough decency to them that they wouldn’t knowingly book guests who aren’t capable of signing or aren’t there altogether, it really in a number of ways hurts their reputation and can’t be upsetting knowing that these people who may just want to be there to see fans aren’t being told that maybe they need to slow it down and are being exploited
Funnily enough I got reminded of something as I accidentally got sent back to the first page when the only guests announced for said convention were Baker, McCoy and Ernie Hudson, which had me both laughing and annoyed that Hudson never turned up to any event, good thing I never paid for a diamond pass, even then my plan was to try and chance it on one of the days with cash to avoid paying more than I felt was worth it
I have Carter and Stevens on said set, but not getting Hobbs was a mistake and Conrad was at a time when both A. Money wasn’t as good and B. As we’ve often said probably would have been too much on the old soul.
I’ve got the event booked as John is signing soon after Season 7 is released which makes him the primary goal for the set as so many people are gone, only two companions out of 6 are left, no main villains of any description, most of who you can hope for from Season 7 is UNIT soldiers, one director and one floor manager best my memory
any further and we'd be in ruins, but yeah now adds some credibility to the set, its just a shame because now i can't get the principal guest star on the set because she's passed away and the cover is signed and as is the booklet. Its the same how i now need Michael Killgarriff on my "Frontier in Space" as i have Thorne on that, so i'll have both First and Second Ogrons, is Rick Lester Still alive because then i can have all three credited Ogrons. if anything it just makes choosing sets from Seasons 8,9&10 tricky because Katy Manning is in all of them and given how frequent she is at events i try to find something signed by a deceased individual, if you search any DVD cover or booklet from those periods online you end up with Katy Manning on half of them, to where i've had a browse and 9/10 Manning or Levene, occasionally a combination of the two, but even then i prefer getting Manning in person for her stories about each serials filming, specifically learning she and Jon Pertwee went on holiday together and Jon may have been in drag during said Holiday.
Get my coat as well I just found a booklet for “The Dæmons” signed by Stephen Thorne and Terrance Dicks (well Katy Manning as well but she’s already on the cover with Levene and Franklin) so I went Azal one hell of a find… but seriously another good find which I think has pushed that set into the same level for me as “the Time monster” the only other set I have Manning, Levene and Franklin.
Yeah problem was it was my bag of 6 years and had a very important and worthless to anyone but myself pin badge on it
Well in a turn of good fortune (after having my empty bag nicked at work) I’ve managed to bag myself a copy of “Day of the Daleks” signed by Katy Manning and Terrance Dicks, and an insert of “Frontier in Space” signed by Stephen Thorne not the story or even particular item I would have chosen for Mr Thorne but even then what can I say beggars aren’t allowed to be choosers, being honest if I could find Thorne on an insert for “the Daemons” now that would be a score and a half
In so many commentaries have I heard Thomas be referred to as the BBCs resident Welshman, and that they used the actor they did for Driver evans in “The web of fear” presumably because Thomas was busy that week. kwok had one hell of a career with Doctor who arguably being the smallest blip on it compared to everything else he did.
I admit I’m not completely versed in that mess of what happened with Joss, I just assumed it was the industry standard of harassing female stars, but I suppose that’s not standard
Oh yeah there is a lot that could have changed history for the worse, makes me wonder if Troughton was serious or not as even in the 1960s there was a serious notion that blackface was significantly wrong, even then the notorious “black and white minstrel show” was being called for cancellation except the BBC producer said “why ruin everyone’s fun on account of a few” or something along the same lines. Talons is somewhat indefensible on many points I feel the dialogue by the contemporary’s and even Magnus Greel is appropriate for setting, but not for the show, Leelas usage should have been met by immediate scolding by the Doctor and the use of an actor in Yellow Face was a horrible choice that is inexcusable, although I did once joke that Burt Kwork must have been busy at that time. ”the Celestial Toymaker” has the one line which even the BBC has removed and apologised for, the choice of outfit for the Toymaker may seem a bit out there but I see it more as stock given John Wiles had blow the budget on “the Ark” but the term Celestial which does have meanings in racial language was always intended to be a reference to his power not his attire.
It’s upsetting that despite it being confirmed that he did what he did both by Anthony Rapp and by Spacey himself events decided he was worth having, does say a lot when he was one of a few that was proven.
I can’t remember truth be told, at that time I can’t imagine he would have, Walters did go out and publicly distance himself from Clarke as the two had been seen as best friends prior to the revelations, but post he chose to distance so I can’t imagine he would be too thrilled to have to sign duel photos of him and someone he is now publicly distanced from. Doctor who I can imagine was okay for him as Clarke wasn’t in his episode and hadn’t been on the show for 3 years, along with having the good common sense to understand Clarke wasn’t one of the original faces with the show being prior to him and a continuing legacy long after him
To me the sandman comments highlight something that walking the line with is downright impossible, separating the art from the artist, we’ve obviously mentioned Rowling on here a healthy number of times and how awful a person she is, but people still buy the merch and meet the guests in-spite of it, usually either claiming that they separate art from the artist or to spite those who stand against her (side note I saw people say they were only buying Hogwarts legacy to spite the woke agenda who were boycotting, the game still bombed commercially and received no award nominations, which in turn had the right say it was because of woke agenda, funny that). but with “Good Omens” half the money has to go to Terry Pratchetts estate not just Gaimen so that argument can be made there, but the sandman is wholly his creation and he would see profits there, which he would benefit from and could be used for continued issues. company’s always seem to value profit, going back to the potter stuff, my thoughts on the new series is because that way JK would have young actors who’d dare not speak against her otherwise risk their big break, as the series as it stands has its three faces (amongst countless others) standing against her and being openly abrasive to her words. it actually reminds me of a story I remember hearing floating about when I discovered the controversy that is Stephen Collins, that when everything came out about him the studio which owned the show 7th heaven planned to bring the show back and he was due to be involved, but everyone else in the cast balked at the idea and it went no further, says a lot really. unfortunately you do get people who will act like political views shouldn’t get you in trouble, like when a Star Wars actress was fired because of some particularly nasty words and views on certain topics and people acted like it was okay for her to say this, when in reality maybe the brand doesn’t want association with such things, and with Doctor who with 61 years and going there is sadly going to be one or two unsavoury individuals who will have caused trouble, said something or done something that makes them undesirable to us, and they will get removed or their works stopped, only for people to act like it’s only the fans missing out when more atrocious situations are occurring that can be contributed as a direct result of their fame or position.
End of the day how someone behaves towards you and how they behave towards someone else are 2 entirely different things, I react positively to most people if I’m not over stimulated or feeling threatened, but theirs one or two people I will brush off and give a cold shoulder. and besides Anthony Head is male and would therefore be less likely to be on the receiving end of abuse of that nature, and sad to say a lot of stories are only being dredged up nowadays because the environment is open for them to do so, back then you said anything that was it career ruined.
Yeah that was a oh god moment, but it’s not our boy, just another boy and his dog
I know Fantom dare not touch using Clarke, and even then as tends to happen in most of the cases to which he stands accused their is no paper trail which can definitively confirm or absolve his part in anything. Spacey being booked from what I remember was extremely controversial, and I can’t remember if that went ahead or not. but my thoughts on Clarke are innocent until proven guilty but at the same time 20 is an extremely high number to try and deny that many accusations of wrong doing, so it is at the very least safe to not book him for an event, because giving him the benefit of the doubt is one thing, but feeding him a large audience to possibly allow another situation to occur is another entirely.
Actually adding on again, as a coworker pointed out (Who helps manage smaller events) boycotting a guest would take a near unanimous response from the clientele of an event, so if Noel Clarke was booked (God Forbid) people would be up in arms no doubt but their would still be people who would want to get him for either Doctor who or Top boy, makes me wonder if Ashley Walters only attended Spring 2022 because he had been booked to attend and must have already taken the money. i've only ever seen one event a single time drop not just a guest but a panel, which was an this show who despite the large guest base of attendees being LGBTQ or an ally of some description, the company decided to hold a panel, promoting a Harry Potter Production, and the backlash was immense to the point that whilst there had been a massive post and constant resharring by the event on social media the cancellation was as quiet as they come, with a single typed out story post announcing the cancellation so no one was to expect the panel or the guests, at which point people came out of the woodwork's and began saying they need to stop pandering to the majority, one rubbish comment saying he'd booked solely for the panel (At those prices no chance) but its the only time i've ever seen such a movement.
Missed this comment but it remains a case of he's not been proven guilty but at the same time theirs the insider information that we don't know be it from a police investigation or possibly a witness on a set has given testimony hence why "Good Omens" got the chop, but innocent until proven guilty. to me in a way its like John Alford who i probably best know as Firefighter Billy Ray from the middle 5 years of "Londons Burning" its awkward watching the episodes he's in at the moment on grounds that he could have committed the same crimes but on minors, again innocent until proven guilty but you do get that be cautious feeling in your mind. going back to what i've said before about actors like Clarke and Langley, the latter saw a conviction and that totalled his career in a way that no one would dare touch him, as for Clarke i do see a continuous amount of people who say "He was never proven guilty" but the number says to me a lot, even on stage I've not seen any actor speak out in support of him, even at winter 2023 Camille Coduri mentioned Mickey but not Noel (If memory serves) meanwhile David Tennant who has ended careers from being targeted by people (A sentence to me which remains funny) for speaking about equality and serious issues hasn't commented on the matter, now this can be interpreted as them not wanting to burn bridges, but personally i see it as they have nothing to say in his defence. I was amazed but understanding that Michael Sheen agreed to do anything "Good Omens" related at winter 2024 especially as the controversy had just broken the news and it would make sense to distance early, but i understand that the fans who can see that Gaiman only adapted the series from the novel he and Terry Pratchett created, and the fans are obviously victims of the fallout, but I've yet to encounter a situation where an actor may still sign something inspite of a more serious issue that may be related to a franchise, its why as a personal rule i wont get Janet Fielding on "The Two Doctors" because her involvement is tainted and poisoned by a BBC radio DJ who is not to be named here but we all know who that monster was.
Okay so just seen Phil Fletcher has cancelled and if you’re a moron like me you panicked and thought it was Phil Baxter because both are Called Phil and had to check. so yes Phil Baxter who was in “Joy to the world” is still due to attend
I did check both of the announcements and whilst my friends are excited for Perlman neither are for this list. i thought I found something but it was just island of Doctor Moreau which less said the better
76 is half of 152 so im saying their were 152 ewok actors but because they were little people thats only 76 full persons