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Everything posted by D-C-A

  1. time for another sad post. it was unfortunately confirmed today that Ysanne Churchman the voice of Alpha Centurai passed away at the age of 99, Born 14th of may 1925 Miss Churchmans career is most famous for her role in "The Archers" but arguably her most known role is Alpha Centuari a character she initally voiced in the two Peladon Tales of the Pertwee Era "The Curse of Peladon" and its sequal "The Monster of Peladon" when in 2017 at the age of 92 years old she made a surprise return to the role in "The Empress of Mars" in 2017, between these apperances which enabled her what was at the time a rare distinction of being the only non series regular to appear as the same character in both classic and new who, (Now shared with Gabriel Wolfe) she also made a small voice role as Luptons Spider in the Pertwee Swansong "Planet of the Spiders" meaning she had 12 straight weeks of work with the show. unfortunately to my knowledge no date of death has been released but like many other Doctor who Alumni she will be missed for the character she so perfectly brought to screens via her amazing vocal talent.
  2. Oh I miss read I thought it was the DVD my mistake
  3. Terry is on one of the bonus features being interviewed and does play Davros in said Documentary in an extended non canon interrogation scene framing device so take that as you will
  4. so just pasting this link for any newcomers to be able to see when Doctor who related guests are announced obvious or otherwise, or just pop in to discuss who you want to see from the series, or even talk about any people you've got or wanna see added to said sets, i do my best with cross referencing names and have to toot my own horn a little been praised by several guests for the research i've put in to find them, even showmasters have had a look as some guests who didn't have doctor who listed later cunningly had it listed on their show posters
  5. Well in a stroke of good luck (somewhat ironic) I have hit the ground and found gold, for £53 I managed “Genesis of the Daleks” signed by non other than ELIZABETH SLADEN and it is undedicated that means it’s time to get names on the set. i was willing to pay £300 for it
  6. My recovery will be quick and slow the elbows will be quickish but the wrist 6-8 weeks
  7. Well I’ve gone and done it lads, thanks to a impatient driver and my inability to process 3 things at once I’ve got two broken elbows, a cracked wrist and a massive graze on my palm. i am already depressed as hell
  8. Given what hes done Doctor who wise and what i need name combos on, i'd also be tempted for a second Diamond Pass cause i'd want him on my Series 4 that has steadily grown in names this year with 5 main players and 6 guest stars, one of which has his own Doctor who Legacy and another has married into a Doctor who Dynasty, so yeah it would mean i'd get him on Series 4 and likely Series 8 or "The Time of the Doctor" so he'd be apart of my 50th anniversary Set.
  9. in a related thought, Karen Gillian cancelled another event recently which i think means the most recent event UK wise she has done is still winter 2023 and makes me more happy i managed to get her then, according to one or two sources she will do another event this side of the pond sooner or later, so if Showmasters manage it, guess what i'll be doing.
  10. Its really who comes up first between him and Nicholas Courtney on said set, if i managed both on the same that would be a miracle because then i'd be looking John Levene every where to get him on the same set like a ruthless blood hound, or Kerry Katona looking for a frozen chicken Dinner
  11. If Peter was confirmed i would be ecstatic, as he's the last modern Doctor i don't have... which feels weird to say given i think the main three people on this forum have all got diamond passes booked for Gatwa, but i do still need photos with Eccelston, Bradley and Martin as i wasn't doing photos back then, but i have 0 clue what i'd get Capaldi on as was pointed out people from his era haven't really done events, series 8-10 are some of my least signed sets and none of them have more than 3 names none of them really big, i have a storyboard artist one notable guest in the form of Christopher fairbank who was Fenton (OH JESUS CHRIST, FENTON!) in "Flatline" and a couple of extras, hell i'm waiting for September when a local event gets Clem So as they always do, which makes me surprised LFCC never gets him he does loads and he crosses a lot of boxes (and i want a professional photo with him), so i'd likely get Capaldi on "Twice upon a time" as i have David Bradley on that.
  12. Once Olympia is finished with its renovation i think things will be back up to full speed and that would mean more guests and both halls being used again some of the more recent events have felt a little cramped as a result especially given how surprisingly (in a good way) some guests have ended up
  13. Well i've had a few strokes of luck, 1st i found a insert of "The Time Monster" signed by Richard Franklin which meant there has been no conflict with the signed cover meaning that set is now at 9 names with 3 regulars and should be 10 later this month i hope. 2nd i found an insert for "The Chase" signed by William Russell so whilst that set is now only at 3 names it has all 3 regulars from it (Who made it to DVD age) meaning that this has become a more valuable set, especially given the legendary stars recent passing.
  14. We had Maggie Service who was in “Deep Breath” in march and Lee Sullivan did art work for an episode he regularly attends the events, hasn’t done one this year yet which is annoying as I need him for Season 26 and my “Realtime” CD cover
  15. Strangely I can’t book a duel photo with Bonnie and Colin for winter yet which is annoying as I missed out in march for financial reasons, may also book a regular Bonnie photo, as I have one in my Fantom album but not my LFCC album… pedantic?
  16. If Jodie was booked again Series 12 would be my go to as I have a decent amount of cast on that set already including Mandip, Sacha and Jo Martin
  17. Well I managed to get lucky today, I found on eBay a insert of “The Time Monster” signed by Richard Franklin so I finally managed to get what was left of the Season 8-10 cast on a Season 9 set, all I need now is an insert for “The Green Death” signed by Franklin and to have John Levine and I can have seasons 8-11 main cast on at least one set
  18. If I know anything it will likely be hectic so if they get another big name even unrelated there may be trouble, I’m of course hoping for some more relatively big ones even with some smaller appearances here and there, but Peter Davison and Paul McGann are currently ones I want for my Davros Collection set as then I’ll have 4/5 Doctors on that set, but then again I’d want Terry Molloy as well for both Davros Actors, and basically to have the one person who is in all but 2 stories on said set
  19. Checked again diamond pass is still at Batch 8 whilst Photo is at 7, and the green screen is at 1 still
  20. A) I had forgotten this could happen, as it did cause Chaos at LFCC 22, especially as they over sold the tickets to allow entry, does also have me questioning how much time with Ncuti we will get. B ) it would make sense and given by all accounts he is THE headliner of the event to where they announced him mid event they’re gonna want to get guests that surround him, and Millie Gibson at her first event as well would do 2 things, 1. Make it one of the biggest events of the year with both leads, 2. Annoy everyone who is sick of Doctor who guests even further and only validate the Doctor who complaints.
  21. So Batch 7 is sold out for Ncuti so maybe the first 6 going like wildfire wasn’t a fluke just those who immediately had the money to buy did and now those who need the time are buying them.
  22. I think given she’s back in the con scene Anneke wills would be great although I know Jean Marsh is more than likely done on account of her health sad to say. even return appearances by Frazer Hines and Wendy Padbury would be great, or even get Freema.
  23. Apparently Ncutis green screen has been reduced to £110 probably a typo to say £140
  24. I can imagine Showmasters would try and get Millie as having the duo at their first event together would be huge for them, and we will most likely see people from the last series with June Hudson being atop of my wishlist in that department and would work with the recent expansion into the production side of programs, getting her would be a two for one, of course with one big Doctor they will always try for the smaller ones to go with them, whilst we can bet that McCoy will be added as usual (Strange he hasn't been announced yet) but maybe Davison or McGann, along with any relevant companions would be great fingers crossed for Janet Fielding, Mark Strikson, Nicolya Bryant and India Fisher
  25. The tabloids gain profit off of bad, and the price is reflective usually off the value, he is the current Doctor and a big name right now, people may want him cheaper but that’s the thing they can’t be because then he wouldn’t be able to appear and assuming Showmasters repeats what they did in the event just gone and limit diamond passes to allow the general audience in with a chance it’s still praying given the amount of Photos being offered I haven’t even checked those out, needless to say I can imagine he’d be more busy than Karen was in the last November, and true to form THIS is probably the biggest guest announcement of the year for the UK, it could get bigger if Millie Gibson is also announced imagine the chaos. of course now we have to hope they’ll get names that surround him, IE from series current, and maybe some older ones to surround what might be a now more bankable Bonnie Langford, I will however discount Gabriel Wolfe on account of his age however as he is by all means 91 I think.
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