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Everything posted by Greatscott17

  1. Luke Perry (Beverly Hills 90210) Alfonso Ribeiro (The Fresh Prince of Bel Air) Joseph Marcell (The Fresh Prince of Bel Air) Robert Englund (Nightmare) Richard Dean Anderson (MacGyver) Henry Winkler (Happy Days) Macaulay Culkin (Home Alone) Daniel Stern (Home Alone) Christopher Lloyd (Back to the future) Tom Wilson (Back to the future) Lea Thompson (Back to the future) Noah Nathaway (The NeverEnding Story) Kevin Sussman (The Big Bang Theory) Àlvaro Morte (Money Heist) Pedro Alonso (Money Heist) Enrique Arce (Money Heist) Tom Hiddleston (Loki - Thor) Chris Hemsworth (Thor) Kunal Nayyar (The Big Bang Theory) Melissa Rauch (The Big Bang Theory) Simon Helberg (The Big Bang Theory) Bill Murray (Ghostbusters) Dan Aykroyd (Ghostbusters) Rick Moranis (Ghostbusters) Michael Keaton (Batman) Liam Neeson (Unknown) Jim Carrey (The Mask/Ace Ventura Rowan Atkinson (Mr.Bean) Johnny Depp (Pirates of The Caribbean) Keira Knightley (Pirates of The Caribbean) Jamie Dornan (Once Upon a Time) Jeff Garlin (The Goldbergs) Kristin Kreuk (Smallville) Natalie Portman (Thor)
  2. Macaulay Culkin (Home Alone) Richard Dean Anderson (MacGyver) Simon Helberg (BBT) Kunal Nayyar (BBT) Kevin Sussman (BBT) Christopher Lloyd (BTTF) Tom Wilson (BTTF) Tom Hoddleston (Avangers/Thor) Bill Murray (Ghostbusters) Gal Gadot (W.W)
  3. Macaulay Culkin (Home Alone) Daniel Stern (Home Alone) Richard Dean Anderson (MacGyver) Kunal Nayyar (The Big Bang Theory) Simon Helberg (The Big Bang Theory) Melissa Rauch (The Big Bang Theory) Kevin Sussman (The Big Bang Theory) Christopher Lloyd (Back to the future) Tom Wilson (Back to the future) Àlvaro Morte (Money Heist) Pedro Alonso (Money Heist) Enrique Arce (Money Heist) Tom Hiddleston (Thor/Avangers) Bill Murray (Ghostbusters) Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman) Jamie Dornan (Once upon a Time) Jeff Garlin (The Goldbergs)
  4. Kevin Sussman (The Big Bang Theory) KEVIN SUSSMAN Kunal Nayyar Simon Helberg Melissa Rauch Mayim Bialik Richard Dean Anderson Christopher Lloyd Tom Wilson
  5. @Raylenth RDA and C.Lloyd are guests 2 years ago at LFCC... so I would love to see them this year (especially RDA) Michael J Fox according to me could come a second time if well organized... and for the rest, I hope that Showmaster will consider at least 5 of my guest list!
  6. Hi Showmaster This is my definitive list of Guests. I hope you will consider at least 5 of these guest suggestions for the LFCC2019: Richard Dean Anderson (MacGyver) Henry Winkler (Happy Days) Christopher Lloyd (Back to the future) Tom Wilson (Back to the future) Àlvaro Morte (Money Heist) Pedro Alonso (Money Heist) Enrique Arce (Money Heist) Lea Thompson (Back to the future) Claudia Wells (Back to the future) Michael J. Fox (Back to the future) Robert Englund (Nightmare) Macauly Culkin (Home Alone) Kunal Nayyar (The Big Bang Theory) Simon Helberg (The Big Bang Theory) Kevin Sussman (The Big Bang Theory) Melissa Rauch (The Big Bang Theory) Bill Murray (Ghostbusters) Dan Aykroyd (Ghostbusters) Rick Moranis (Ghostbusters) Alfonso Ribeiro (The Fresh prince of Bel Air) Tom Hiddleston (Thor) Chris Hemsworth (Thor) Liam Neeson (Taken) Natalie Portman (Thor) Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman) Thank you!! (From Italy)
  7. Hi Showmaster This is my definitive list of Guests. I hope you will consider at least 5 of these guest suggestions for the LFCC2019: Richard Dean Anderson (MacGyver) Henry Winkler (Happy Days) Christopher Lloyd (Back to the future) Tom Wilson (Back to the future) Lea Thompson (Back to the future) Claudia Wells (Back to the future) Michael J. Fox (Back to the future) Robert Englund (Nightmare) Kunal Nayyar (The Big Bang Theory) Simon Helberg (The Big Bang Theory) Kevin Sussman (The Big Bang Theory) Melissa Rauch (The Big Bang Theory) Bill Murray (Ghostbusters) Dan Aykroyd (Ghostbusters) Rick Moranis (Ghostbusters) Alfonso Ribeiro (The Fresh prince of Bel Air) Tom Hiddleston (Thor) Chris Hemsworth (Thor) Liam Neeson (Taken) Natalie Portman (Thor) Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman) Thank you!! (From Italy)
  8. @fantasyfan Certo che no ovviamente, anche perché la conosco poco (dato che si tratta comunque di telefilm un po’ datati) Grazie mille :) lo spero anche io ciao ciao
  9. @fantasyfan Beh, anche se sono nato nel 84, non significa che non sappia chi sia Sylvia Anderson :D La conosco anche se non benissimo, ma solo perché non guardavo i Thunderbirds! Ho capito cmq.... io invece spero appunto di incontrare Richard Dean Anderson, ma anche altri come per esempio: Henry Winkler (Fonzie di Happy Days), Michael J Fox, Tom Wilson, Tom Hiddleston (Loky) Liam Neeson... e perché no, se capita anche alcuni nuovi come Jim Parsons (Sheldon) e Kunal Nayyar di Big Bang Theory
  10. @fantasyfan Si, sono un maschio ahaha Che intendi esattamente quando dici che sei un po’ su di età, ma con un cuore giovane? Quanti anni hai se posso chiedertelo? :) Ti capisco, io sono cresciuto con MacGyver, ed è per questo che mi piacerebbe davvero tanto incontrarlo! Si, ho conosciuto Christopher Lloyd (Doc di Ritorno al Futuro) ed è stato per me molto emozionante in quanto Ritorno al Futuro, è il mio film preferito in assoluto! Lo potrei guardare all’infinito che proverei la stessa emozione come fosse sempre la prima volta! Tu invece? Hai conosciuto qualcuno o vorresti incontrarne qualcuno in particolare? Ciao ciao :)
  11. Ciao @fantasyfan! Grazie mille per il like! :) Si sí, lo so... è stato ospite 2 anni fa, ma io purtroppo non ci son potuto andare e spero vivamente che lo possano ospitare nuovamente in questo nuovo LFCC19! Solitamente questo tipo di ospiti, li invitano ogni 2 anni! Speriamo!! :)
  12. Ciao Ragazzi/e Potete inserire il vostro like in tutti miei suggerimenti ospite nella sezione Tv and Movie Guest Suggestion? In questo modo spero che Showmaster prenda in considerazione almeno un paio degli ospiti citati per ospitarli nel nuovo LFCC2019! Alcuni degli ospiti sono: 1. Richard Dean Anderson (MacGyver) 2. Kunal Nayyar (The Big Bang Theory) 3. Christopher Looyd (Back to the future) 4. Tom Wilson (Back to the future)  5. Liam Neeson Spero piacciano anche a voi.... Grazie!
  13. Guests Suggestion for LFCC19 1. Richard Dean Anderson (MacGyver) 2. Kunal Nayyar (The Big Bang Theory) 3. Christopher Looyd (Back to the future) 4. Tom Wilson (Back to the future)  5. Liam Neeson
  14. 1. Richard Dean Anderson (MacGyver) 2. Kunal Nayyar (The Big Bang Theory) 3. Christopher Looyd (Back to the future) 4. Tom Wilson (Back to the future) 5. Liam Neeson
  15. 1. Kunal Nayyar (The Big Bang Theory) 2. Richard Dean Anderson (MacGyver) 3. Christopher Looyd (Back to the future) 4. Tom Wilson (Back to the future)
  16. Kunal Nayyar (The Big Bang Theory) Richard Dean Anderson (MacGyver) LFCC2019
  17. Hi Showmaster Is there a chance to invite Liam Neeson or Tom Hiddleston at LFCC19??
  18. I hope for Richard Dean Anderson, Tom Wilson, Christopher Lloyd and Bill Murray!
  19. Hi Showmaster Guest Suggestions for LFCC Spring 2019: Henry Winkler (Happy Days) Alfonso Ribeiro (The Fresh Prince of Bel Air) Richard Dean Anderson (McGyver) Thanks!! :)
  20. Hi Showmaster Guest Suggestions for LFCC19: Henry Winkler (Happy Days) Alfonso Ribeiro (The Fresh Prince of Bel Air) Richard Dean Anderson (McGyver) Thanks!! :)
  21. TBBT cast: (For LFCC 2019) Kunal Nayyar Simon Helberg Melissa Rauch Wil Wheatonftt and Kevin Sussman
  22. (My last guest suggestions for LFCC19) Showmaster What do you think about inviting: GAL GADOT TOM HIDDLESTON or LIAM NEESON
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