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Posts posted by D4vem88

  1. I do feel that radio silence from SM isn’t ideal, but at the same time I realise they can only go off of government guidance. 
    just about 2 months out from the event, and with an influx of U.K. based/British guests, says to me they fully expect to have to cancel all overseas guests? 
    As it is, we don’t know how entry will work, photos and autos, the amount off attendees in the venue, nothing. 
    I have a Clark Gregg photo rolled over from Spring 2020, which I am sure a good number of people do. I haven’t booked entry or any other photo ops, because we just don’t know what the situation is. 
    If you said to me, yes this is going ahead, you have to wear a mask indoors at all times other than a ‘quick off and on for a photo op’, then fair enough we know where we stand. 
    I just feel July is too close to the latest step on the reopening roadmap, with the majority of attendees won’t have been fully vaccinated, I can’t see many attendees or guests being 100% comfortable with the whole experience 

  2. Literally every other event from various companies has been postponed until next year. With ol’ BoJo himself stating he’s expecting a second wave incoming, travellers from other countries having to isolate for 2 weeks, there’s surely no way the biggest ComicCon of the year is happening this year. 
    if SM decide that it goes ahead, I can’t see the venue ok’ing it, risking their staff and reputation. Fingers crossed next year is better!

  3. Best thing to do would be find a photo of the pose you want, and either print it out or have it on your phone ready for your turn with the guest. Then show them and ask ‘is it ok if we do this?’

    I did this with Billie Piper for the Doctor Who dvd cover of her and Tennant back to back and she automatically knew what I wanted and was like ‘yes! Let’s do it!’

    still, photos are rushed, but if you’re prepared, you’ve got a good chance of it happening. 

  4. The Star Wars zone last year had the Praetorian Guards and other smaller role guests, which as pointed out, did change over the course of the weekend. I remember Mike Quinn was down there one morning, but by the afternoon he had been moved upstairs. 

    But I would safely say that Hayden will be in a booth upstairs with the other ‘main’ guests. Much like Tennan, Momoa and Duchovny last year, the booths were more towards the outer edges of the main area. But obviously we won’t know for sure until the day what the layout will be. 

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