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Everything posted by phenix00princess

  1. I did a search a while ago but most of the hotels were either too expensive for me or were fully booked. I'm staying at the Shakespear hotel but i'm pretty sure they wont have many rooms left by now as its a small hotel. Others in the area are the Edwardian hotel on the same road as the Shakespeare, The Embrakment hotel or the Victoria guest house. Those are the closest to The Park Inn i could find. Hope you find somewhere
  2. oww i wish i could go but i'm never aloud holiday during the run up to x-mas...which annoyingly enough starts on the 1st of November....
  3. This sounds like fun, not sure if i'll manage to get a costume for the first one but it'll be great to see what everyone else comes up with. Great themes! Thanks
  4. oh you can count me in! It'd be really great if everyone joined in.
  5. Yay! mine came yesterday morning. I'm so excited now!
  6. Its a nice idea in concept, but for the organisers it would cause a lot of hassle. I would love it if something like this happened as i aslo missed out on the gold tickets due to getting paid a day after they sold out! But i do think if it did happen it would take away slightly from the gold ticket holders. Maybe its an idea to put forward for the next convention though. Atleast then the organisers could think about it and have the chance to plan ahead. Unfortunatly i think it's probbly a little late for this one now though. Also at the moment the cocktail party would be on the friday night and then the saturday night would just be a party for us...with no guest. So if it was changed now the guest would all have to agree to it as well.
  7. Thanks for the info, that sounds good.
  8. I'd like to get some extra autograph ticket which i've noticed are now in the online store. As it says in the autograph FAQ that the pirce of an autograph also includes a photo to get signed i was wondering weather you would just produce your ticket at the event and pic out the photo you want? or if you would have to buy any photo autographs on the day? Sorry newbie here
  9. Nice idea! Clif simon would be a great guest to have. I also like the idea of vs the wraith maybe get michael or todd, but michael would be the ultimate wraith baddy!
  10. 1. Name: Charlotte 2. Age: 19 3. Location, near Brighton UK 4. Ticket type: Sliver (just missed gold damnit) 5. Reason for going: Well apart from SG rules! I'm already doing a con in Jan but when Joe Flanigan was announced i just couldn't say no! and this con covers both SG1 and SGA and I've never meet any of the SG1 cast so now's my chance! Woop!
  11. Thank you sooooo much!!! I cant wait to meet him!!
  12. Oh what a cool guest! I've always wanted to meet him!
  13. Thanks for the info Trick of the tail. I called the Embarkment hotel and they said they are doing refurbishments from Jan to March so that's a no go. I've booked a room in the Shakespear instead. A little further away than i'd like but good room rates. Thank god i've got that sorted!
  14. When i rang the Park Inn i was able to put my name down on a waiting list just incase a room does become available, although i doubt that's going to happen. I had a look for it and the one i found (which is the one across the river from the Park Inn) is doing rooms for like £120 a night! *goes off looking for another hotel*
  15. I've gone for Chris Judge, Paul McGillion and Cliff Simon just because i'd love to meet them all and haven't had the chance yet. Paul would be a real nice guest to have.
  16. Hi all (newbie here) I just phoned the Park Inn and they said they dont have any rooms left. Anyone like a room mate? lol Trick of the tail mentioned the Swan, i might try there instead.
  17. Uh! I missed the gold tickets by a day! Thankfully just ordered myself a silver ticket though. Great idea for a thread. Its just a shame that only people on the forum will know about it.
  18. Oh thank you so much im gonna check that out. Thanks again
  19. Hello, I've been looking around for some cons and discovered this one at Manchester. Im a big Stargate and Red Dwarf fan and this con looks so interesting! I really really want to go! Basicly I've never been to a con befor, so I was wondering if anybody could explain to me what happens at this event? And can I just show up on the day of my choosing and get tickets for photo & singing ops at the door? Thank you
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