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Everything posted by LOTR-Auto-Hunter

  1. Splendid guest announcement!! Any chance of Balon Greyjoy to complete my Greyjoy family set??!! :) Keep the Thrones guests coming!!
  2. I'd certainly not want GoT guests to be withdrawn from other events as, to your point David, it makes excellent business sense for SM to have GoT guests at shows someone who might not otheriwse attend and who then may spend on further autographs etc. Just wondering where the threshold sits... at what point does a fandom become commercially viable enough to warrant a dedicated show?? The thing that sparked my post was the sheer volume of GoT characters... with the exception of Bean and Heady, none of the actors are what you might call 'unobtainable' so for the die hard, a dedicated event with SM/ME's guest-booking contacts and power would allow lots of guests to attend a one-off show. Clearly, that's a selfish viewpoint from me but I just thought it was worth discussing...
  3. Hello everyone, What do people think about he possibility of SM/ME organising a dedicated Game of Thrones signing event/convention? Virtually all of the upcoming shows have significant GoT guests, demonstrating a certain degree of faith on SM/ME's part in the popularity of the show. I know there are smaller dedicated GoT events which do go on but I would be intrigued at the sort of guest line-up which could be possible, especially given the presence of Peter Dinlkage at LFACC this year. Any thoughts?
  4. Sean Bean would be phenomenal.... Plus he appeals to multiple fan bases such as Sharpe, Bond, LotR and Thrones!! Failing Sean, Viggo Mortensen or Ian McKellan would do the trick!
  5. While I have no idea of what ME are planning, I would be very surprised to see a first time event with the same calibre of lineup as the Trek event. I would expect this to be an event that starts fair sized and hopefully grows into something regular, with increases in ticket sales and then the ability to get some of the biggest guests if they want to come. So I'm personally expecting some first timers from The Hobbit and a few familiar faces, but not a whole heap of 'big hitters' unless ticket sales are exceptional. I'm sure ME will do everything they can to make this a fantastic event but I'm sure we're better off having realistic expectations. Couldn't agree more!! I was thinking out loud really of my dream line-up... can't wait to see what the future holds!!
  6. Well this show certainly looks promising!! Like any show, I would imagine it will stand or fall depending on the strength of the guestlist. First-time signers and some big hitters (usual suspects - Viggo, Bean, Ian, Cate, Hugo, OB) would be a fantastic way of ensuring a big turn out - seems like stating the obvious but after over ten years of LOTR collecting I would love to fill some major gaps while starting up a Hobbit-based collection with a strong guestlist. Obviously this won't come cheaply but for the big names I would certainly be prepared to dig deep!! After seeing the success of the recent Trek convention in the Exel, I really hope the same of guest quality can be obtained for Middle Earth!
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