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Everything posted by katnissed

  2. Yeah, it's not really practical at all. It's just so pretty~~
  3. I was just wondering, how logistical is it to bring and get signed a massive cinema banner thing? Like the 8ft ones? Cause my local cinema is selling me their THG one for charity and it would be nice to get it signed by the cast that will be there. I've been to places like EMS though and there didn't seem to be a big signing area. Idk, what would I do?
  4. Um, more Game of Thrones stars? Like maybe the Stark children? I missed Maisie Williams at EMS sadly ;_; Sophie Turner maybe? Joe Dempsie? Harry Lloyd? Finn Jones? Gethin Anthony? Anyone Game of Thrones really~~~
  5. WSFIWEBFGIRDBGIOREBGOIERBGIOERBGOIREBGIOREB SO EXCITED I'm also happy other people are excited. I felt so bad for her when she was talking about how she was ignored at comic con~~
  6. Oh no. I missed her at this years LFCC too. I was really looking forward to meeting her. ;_________; I just hope she comes back to another con at some point, cause she will be the only Pond I won't have met.
  7. Where will we pick up tickets for the free talks? At the info booth?
  8. Okay, thanks. I guess I'll have to try and give him it in the photoshoot then like we did with Karen. :)
  9. Me and my sister bought him a gift, which is sort of from all our tumblr friends too, so we wanted to get a picture of him with it, to show them all. But someone on another thread said he'd be no photos kind of busy, so I was just wondering how possible it would be that he'd go open queue at the end of the day so we could go back in and see him and get a photo then?
  10. If I could only meet one person, hands down it would be Arthur Darvill. I will cry if I don't get to meet him and give him the ridiculous gif my friends persuaded me to buy him. Cause I don't think we'll have enough time to give him it in the photoshoot like we did with Karen. xD
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