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Everything posted by louise260585

  1. i agree about a seperate show. in the usa they have horror events regular and the guest turn outs always make me soo jealous. im sure they'd come to the uk a few of em' i mean i can see it being a big turn out.
  2. lets see what collectormania 7 will have in store for us then. hope its better than the last guest list. and i majorly agree that they spend alot of time on trying to get group guests from a series of movies or hows. horror is a huge popular genre why dont they pay more attention to it like we do? there are plenty of horror movies to get a few guests from. please try showmasters cause i'll get upset and cry otherwise, then every1 will laugh at me cause im crying and i'll be abandoned by all my friends for being a cry baby. i'll be forced to live all by myself in a house with only a front door and no windows, so no1 see's my tears. this will lead people to belive im crazy and a little physco. pushing rumours to start around my home town. suddenly the story of the lady who lives in the house with only a door will become a legend and spread world wide. leading to massive scares to little children and the elderly. causing utter world chaos nations will turn against eachother in fear for their own lives. before long attacking one another in a fight to stay alive, not knowing that they are in no danger really. this will mean the end of man kind as we know it. so if you dont wish to be responsible for man kinds total destruction showmasters i strongly suggest you get some horror movies guests. what do ya think? bit far fetched lol
  3. i love watchin the low budget horrors they play on there. i've seen alot of movies that probaly would never have gotten to see if it wasnt for the horror chanel. i'll admit some of the movies are no good or played to death, but the chanel is awesome.
  4. i was thinkin the same thing bout sjp. but the others would be cool, especially kim
  5. can we please have a terminator reunion if possible. any1 from any of the movies would be awesome. i'd also appreciate a reunion of nightmare on elm street also any1 from any of the movies. long shot but try get some sex and the city cast i would fall to my knees and be forever under your command for that one!
  6. i'm shocked. i would never take advantage of my followers...............well unless they are cute that is.
  7. in that case your more than welcome to join me. do you think we should hire a tour bus or a limo? knowing my luck i'll have to hitchike or even worse PUBLIC TRANSPORT!!!
  8. of course, all my loyal fans may capture me on film. i'll even pull my cheesiest grin for you.
  9. david hess does conventions all the time i'm willing to bet he'd be a guest. i e-mailed him once from the addy on his website www.davidhess.com and he sent me a small e-mail thanking me for being a fan. i was chuffed it was so cool.
  10. oh logans_girl just thought of a name 4 our team. how about the collectormania celebrity's?
  11. yeah i played hook, lol i looked silly with that stupid stick on mustahce!!! but hey every1's gotta start sumwere. and i will pose for picstures of course anything for my fans!! logans_girl - maybe we can sit together and sign start a little team thing. showmasters i gotta hurry you up with a decision here my requests are filling up fast (i wish) to my new fans visit my webpage why dont you - www.faceparty.com/crunked yeah im aware its a free 1 but im trying to cut costs everywere i can. peace xx
  12. are you so impressed with my cv lol. i am of course having a laugh with this thread. dont take it serious
  13. ok to tempt you more i'll even sign for free and i'm open to body part signing (tastefull!)
  14. ...... me to be a guest. i was in my school production of hook (i was hook, used a borken coat hanger for the hook), i was also in my drama groups production of grease as one of the pink ladies (rizzo). i havent been in anything recently but im open to offers.
  15. i voted tim curry, trying to rake in as many horror actors as poss. plus he made me laugh in home alone 2. which helped me forgive him for scaring the s*** out of me in IT.
  16. and one of the best actor today of course but i doubt i'd ask him any questions about his career. them dazzling eyes and ruff cut cheek bones will send me in a trance. he's my fave actor ever.
  17. no suprise that johnny depp is winning. this guy is undoubtly cool and so sexy. he gets my vote!
  18. i picked number 1 of course all the others (part from the last 2) are not even worthy of b-class movie status. poorly acted and basically the same storyline with different kills.
  19. ok i have to disagree with that comment. i think micheal is definatly afraid of loving anybody especially his family. i mean in like number 5 when he almost cries and nearly gives up his knife people where trying 2 reach out and he eventually dissmissed the feeling completely and carried on killing. i also think its a good idea to have jason kill for the sake of his mom, which i dont get. in friday 13th movies where does it realisticly state that he kills for his mom, he simply seems to return from the grave to kill cause the kids let him drown. seems to me he's getting his own revenge. although over the years people assumtions have windled there way in i suppose. i voted 4 nightmare on elm street by the way. such a classic is not THE classic.
  20. i voted freddy, mainly to be supportive to my fave movie because trully speaking they are all awesome.
  21. oooo yeah get chiaki kuriyama (spelling) otherwise known as go-go! any of the other cast members would rock aswell. although if i understand correctly chiaki doesnt speak english, thats ok cuz i speak japanese i'll translate for you.
  22. yeah id love to meet ll cool j. im a fan of his music more than anything. and he seems to be doing all the tacky promo he can right now. so i bet he'd be up 2 that.
  23. how many times must i beg for csi guests. please get 1 (more if poss) just to shut me up at least!
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