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johnnyrock99 last won the day on March 8 2015

johnnyrock99 had the most liked content!

1 Follower

johnnyrock99's Achievements

Camera Operator

Camera Operator (8/23)



  1. Ray Clemence, Peter Shilton, Stuart Pearce, Phil Neal, Mick Mills, Ray Wilkins & Terry Butcher.
  2. Stuart Pearce, Peter Shilton, Ray Clemence, Kevin Keegan, Terry McDermott and Phil Neal.
  3. Excellent! I've got a couple of nice bits I need him on.
  4. Some big football guests would be great!
  5. Awesome guest, he will be great to add to my SOA poster. More SOA guests please.
  6. Met him at MK when he had just come in to the show, nice guest.
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