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Quick Question


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I have heard so much about this so called forum T-shirt and as far as I have gavered, people are going too collectormania in these forum t-shirts(instead of costumes/or as well as)


I know someone out there did kindly try to send me some pics of the t-shirts and stuff but my computers c**p


I would love to go wearing this forum t-shirt, so at least some one could recognise me, and might say hello.


Could someone please tell me what the forum t-shirt design is - I know there was something to do with a competition to choose the winning desing but unfortunately I missed that.


I would be REALLY REALLY REALLY greatful if someone/anyone could help me here


Thanks ever so much for any replies Zebredy :P

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Do many people dress up 4 Collectormania?

Oh yes! Have you seen the thread about the Elf troop to accompany Craig Parker? Lots of people dress up in favourite costumes, ranging from LOTR characters to some very convincing Star Trek bods - especially an uncanny Patrick Stewart look-a-like - and not forgetting the many Lara Crofts...hmmm... ;)

Edited by Hobbit_of_Dorsetshire
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Do many people dress up 4 Collectormania?

Oh yes! Have you seen the thread about the Elf troop to accompany Craig Parker? Lots of people dress up in favourite costumes, ranging from LOTR characters to some very convincing Star Trek bods - especially an uncanny Patrick Stewart look-a-like - and not forgetting the many Lara Crofts...hmmm... ;)

Oh! I've never notice, next time I'll b on the look out!

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