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It was excruciating knowing that with a simple, conscious thought I could be speeding past these people effortlessly. Instead I decided to play it safe and move at the snail-like human pace that I am so unfamiliar with nowadays. I rarely walked – preferring to invoke as much dancing into my movements as I could get away with. On any other day, I may have been able to summon enough patience to cope with dawdling but today, I had a valid reason to favour the less time-consuming route. At any given moment, my beloved brother could do something regrettably stupid and effectively end his own existence.


My eyes swept over the heads of the crowds, scanning and then discarding numerous vehicles. I needed something fast that would get Bella and myself to Volterra without delay. How much was it to ask for a fast car in this day and age?


That was when my prayers were answered. Parked adjacent to one of the terminals was the most beautiful car I had ever seen. I could easily define it as automobile perfection with its shiny, yellow paint, streamlined body and wonderfully dark, tinted windows. My feet unconsciously brought my body closer to the beauty until I was pressed up against the windscreen. Even from this vantage point I could appreciate the supple, leather interior and the fine craftsmanship of the dashboard. I let my eyes wander to the hood. A brand spanking new Porsche 911 Turbo was beneath my fingertips. I had to have this car. Unfortunately, it seemed to already have an owner who was now looking at me curiously and somewhat warily from the sidewalk.


“Excuse me Miss...Can I help you?†he said, in perfect English punctured with a heavy accent. Judging by his Armani suit, Rolex and designer cologne – not to mention this fabulous ride – he was very rich. He was a businessman no doubt complete with rugged, Italian good looks. Still, I had a few charms of my own up my sleeve.


I sidled up to him without answering, flashing him a perfect smile. He did a double take as the full force of my beauty and grace hit him. I walked closer until I was inches from him. Looking up at him through my eyelashes, I placed a dainty finger on my lips and exhaled, allowing my sweet, seductive breath to hypnotise him. He swayed on his feet in a daze. I smiled again and quickly snatched the keys out of his hand. I was in the car and speeding away before he could realise what had happened.


I hit the gas pedal as far as it would go and was soon at the arrival lounge where Bella was pacing agitatedly. At the sight of the car, her jaw dropped open but I didn’t care. Not only would this car give us the best chance of saving Edward, but I now knew what I wanted in reward once we had saved his sorry behind.



Marissa Hedley (19)

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