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Title: Forever


Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations owned by JK Rowling and publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury. No copyright infringement is intended or to be infered.


Words: 343


“Harry, I love you, don’t go! Please, don’t go!†hot droplets of salty water pushed their way out of her swollen eyes and ran down her cheeks, ignoring her desperate pleas for them to just go away.


“Ginny…†his voice rasped, as his muscular chest rose up and down more than twice its normal rate. “Ginny…I…have…to go…I still love you…very much,†he said slowly, stopping to breathe in between words.


Harry gasped, and took in long mouthfuls of oxygen. Breathe, he told himself. Breathe…must…for Ginny.


“No!†Ginny cried, throwing herself onto the dark deadened ground, and grabbed Harry’s head between her cold hands. “Stay with me, Harry, don’t die, be strong!†The crepuscular dusk sky of the winter season glared down at the pair, showing the pain that they themselves were witnessing so unmercifully.


“Remember…. remember that I love you, Ginny…†he closed his brilliant eyes, too weak to lift the cinderblocks that had swapped places with his eyelids.


“Oh, Harry, no! Don’t do this to me!†Ginny’s heart pounded ferociously, anxious to get to its true love. A black pigeon flew across the dim sky; it must’ve had an amazing view of the dead bodies that littered the Hogwarts grounds, all victims of the final battle.


“You’re… so…pretty,†Harry whispered. “Never forget…my Ginny…pretty…â€


With one last rattled breath, Harry uttered his last word: “Forever.â€


Ginny stared at Harry’s corpse, and smiled. “You aren’t dead, Harry. You wouldn’t do that to me! This is just a joke, isn’t it? You love me, you wouldn’t really leave me, would you?†she said manically, a wild grin on her moist face.


Harry never responded. Ginny’s smile slowly turned upside down as she realized…he wasn’t coming back. “No!†she screeched, sliding her arms under his body. “No, no, no!†she shouted repeatedly, as she lifted him close to her.


She lowered her face slowly, and gently kissed his cold, chapped lips. “I love you,†she said, as she grabbed his large, chilly hand that had always been there in the past to hold her lovingly. “Forever.â€

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